PhpSwitcher v2.2.9 - Error 404

  • Hallo,

    I have install PhpSwitcher 2.2.9 on mý Test server with Ubuntu 12.04 and i-MSCP 1.3.0
    I will test it so I must not ask Nuxwin every time.

    Install OK and than I compile PHP5.3 without a error.

    Then I add the data in the Adminpanel.

    Allgemeine Einstallungen:
    Pfad zu PEAR-Verzeichnis: /opt/phpswitcher/php5.3/share/pear

    Fast-CGI Einstellung:
    Pfad zur Binary: /opt/phpswitcher/php5.3/bin/php-cgi

    PHP-FPM Einstellung
    Pfad zur Binary: /opt/phpswitcher/php5.3/sbin/psw5.3-fpm
    Pfad zur Konfigurationsdatei: /opt/phpswitcher/php5.3/etc/php-fpm.conf
    Pfad zur pool Verzeichnis: /opt/phpswitcher/php5.3/etc/php-fpm.d

    Now when I switch to PHP5.3 I become a Error 404.

    What can I do to solve the error.

    Kind regards

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 8.10 | Codename: jessie

    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 20180516 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), PanelRedirect (v 1.2.0) & SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)

    - LetsEncrypt (v 3.6.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)

    Edited once, last by Viktor ().

  • @Viktor

    • psw5.3-fpm service status ?
    • Content of the Apache2 vhost that belongs to the domain for which you have selected the PHP 5.3 version

    I think that your problem is related to the PHP handler problem which is fixed in the 1.3.x branch ->

    I would just recommend to update to 1.3.x or wait for 1.3.1.


  • Hallo,

    root@ubuntu:/opt/phpswitcher/php5.3# service psw5.3-fpm status
    * psw5.3-fpm is running

    I think I wait for i-mscp 1.3.1.


    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 8.10 | Codename: jessie

    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 20180516 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), PanelRedirect (v 1.2.0) & SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)

    - LetsEncrypt (v 3.6.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)