perfect - also appreciate the help on the commands to get forward.
that did the trick exactly!
just had to update firewall inbound rules for 8443 - which didn't take on the firewall initially - (juniper headache and edit interface & policy have to have both apparently updated... argh...
Either way I've definitely learned a bit more... help commands are available! and fairly in depth!
(only with your examples did I really get it quicker though)
also huge thx for hopefully getting cloudflare to add 4443 panel port to their inbound ports - mine is currently 8443 and working as desired -
auto forward - gets an error from cloud flare:
400 Bad Request
The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS portcloudflare-nginx
which is because their http ports don't go through on that port - so makes sense on that end as well - not imscp there either...
self signed - cloudflare - crypto = Full - not full Strict - (Full strict would require a valid cert)
(can wait until 1.4.x version and letsencrypt)