Apache Logs

  • Hi,

    habe i-mscp erfolgreich an einem Debian 6.0 64 Bit Sys installiert, jedoch hab ich ncoh ein kleines Problem...
    Es handelt sich darum, dass die logs in der jeweiligen virtualhosts leer sind (keine Dateien vorhanden im logs Ordner).

    In den vhosts vom apache2 config sind keine Logeinträge vorhanden, dann ist die Ursache schonmal klar.

    Nun die Frage: Soll ich selbst die Log configs in den jeweiligen vhosts vornehmen, oder gibt es irgendwo eine Einstellung (die ich nicht gefunden habe).

    Thanks und schönes Wochenende,

    EDIT: Habe die i-mscp Stable Version. (Build 20120323)

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    You are talking about what logs exactly ? Those under /var/log/apache2 or those that are under /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/logs ???


  • Hello ;

    You are talking about what logs exactly ? Those under /var/log/apache2 or those that are under /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/logs ???


    thanks for replying in the german corner!

    I'm talking about /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/logs

    I tought there should be the access and error each vhost at this directory, isn't it?
    At the moment there are no own log files for each vhost, there are all in one at /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log and error-default.log

    I want to create two logs (access and error) for each vhost/domain and will be located in /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/logs

    Have a nice weekend.

    Edited once, last by Grex ().

  • Re ;

    Logs for customers ( (those under /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/logs) are normally daily created. See the /etc/cron.d/imscp cron file. You can change that file to build the log as you want.

    With last master, that work fine:

    1. root@imscp:/var/www/virtual/test.com/logs# lstest.com-access.log test.com-error.log

    The files are not empty.

    You can also try to run the command manually such as:

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/tools/imscp-httpd-logs-mngr

    Thanks for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Great!,

    thanks for informing! I didn't know, that would be created in the daily cron, I'm sry. I will change it, that there will be the monthly log.
