possible Let'sEncrypt plugin bug

  • Hello

    I've tried to create a LetsEncrypt certificate for a subdomain with the LetsEncrypt plugin.

    I use an external DNS server, not the DNS server implemented in i-MSCP and I just configure the DNS record for that subdomain like subdomain.example.com, but not [www.]subdomain.example.com

    In this case, I have this error with the let's encrypt plugin in the status

    1. N/A 2016-07-14 09:32:46,722:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org

    The LetsEncrypt plugin try to create a certificate for the subdomain.example.com and [www.]subdomain.example.com but can't verify the [www.]subdomain.example.com

    I just commented the line 215 (and the comma at line 214) of /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/LetsEncrypt/backend/LetsEncrypt.pm file, deleted and recreate the subdomain in i-MSCP, create a new certificate and it's worked fine.

    Maybe it's not a good solution, the good solution is to create the [www.]subdomain.example.com in the DNS records because if you comment that line and try to create a certificate for the domain example.com, I think it will not create the certificate for the domain [www.]example.com ...

    It will be great if the plugin can catch this error and don't block the subdomain certificate creation if let's encrypt can't verify the subdomain and it will be great if the certificate creation for subdomain create a certificate only for subdomain.example.com and not [www.]subdomain.example.com

    (Sorry for the [www.], the forum catch an url and create a link automatically and delete the www.)

    Edit : Aaaaannnd, I just found other thread about this problem, sorry

    Edited once, last by xavh90 ().

  • @Ninos

    And the winner is ----> Nuxwin... You see how users are annoyed with that tt]www[/tt] CNAME :D

    3 Threads already for that ;)


  • @Ninos

    Bla bla bla... :D That shity cnames come from VHCS ;)


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