Installation 1.3.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 failed

  • On a fresh installed server with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS the installation of the version 1.3.0 ends without any error or comment after the step of confirmation of the data base name and fall back to console. Every retry ends in the same case.

    There are serveral posts with similar problems after updating.

    Installer closed after creating IMSCP SQL Users | Installation beendet nach Erstellen des IMSCP SQL Users

    Upgrade to 1.3.0 Errror

    So the config files /etc/imscp/imscp.conf contains:


    If u see, there is not a value, i think because the installation doesnt reach this point of a fresh installation.

    The var/log/imscp-autoinstall.log contains:

    1. [Fri Jul 1 12:04:07 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Config::_init: Tying /usr/local/src/imscp-1.3.0/configs/debian/imscp.conf file[Fri Jul 1 12:04:07 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Config::_init: Tying /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file

    The var/log/imscp contains at bottom:

    1. [Fri Jul 1 12:05:43 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/bin/dialog --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.3.0)' --ok-label Ok --insecure --exit-label Abort --colors --yes-label Yes --cancel-label Back --no-label No --help-label Help --title 'i-MSCP Installer Dialog' --radiolist '\Z4\Zb\ZuMySQL Database Prefix/Suffix\Zn
    2. Do you want use a prefix or suffix for customer'\''s SQL databases?
    3. \Z4Infront:\Zn A numeric prefix such as '\''1_'\'' will be added to each customer SQL user and database name. \Z4Behind:\Zn A numeric suffix such as '\''_1'\'' will be added to each customer SQL user and database name. \Z4None\Zn: Choice will be let to customer.' 14 70 3 infront '' off behind '' off none '' on
    4. [Fri Jul 1 12:05:43 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: Command exited with value: 255

    But i dindt find a workaround. What now? Is there a patch? And if, how can i get it?

    Edited once, last by yacsp ().

  • The thread 1.3.0 - black screen give the hint to jump over that step. On a Ubuntu Dekstop just resize the console window a bit larger before this step.

    After that im stucked in SSL. I want to use SSL for SMTP / POP/IMAP and FTP Services?

    After pointing to the private key, entering the passphrase, i point on the right certifcate (StartSSL), but the installer says: "the certificate is wrong". I got the same error with CA bundle or without.

    Is it possible to skip that and do that integration from hand in every application without a prob in that or next release?

  • I skipped the step with SSL for SMTP, POP/IMAP and FTP Service.

    The step with the panel (nginx) was finished successfully.

    Now i just want to install SSL/TLS for SMTP, POP / IMAP and FTP Service.

  • Please, open a new thread for your SSL problem.
    There is no problem with StartSSL certificates as long as you add the correct CA Bundle.

    Thread closed.
