Display Moreyes it does.... same issue
[Mon Jun 27 17:15:27 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/bin/dialog --yes-label Yes --help-label Help --insecure --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.3.0)' --cancel-label Back --exit-label Abort --title 'i-MSCP Installer Dialog' --colors --ok-label Ok --no-label No --radiolist '
\Z4\Zb\ZuMySQL Database Prefix/Suffix\Zn
(This screen never came up)
Do you want use a prefix or suffix for customer'\''s SQL databases?
\Z4Infront:\Zn A numeric prefix such as '\''1_'\'' will be added to each customer
SQL user and database name.
\Z4Behind:\Zn A numeric suffix such as '\''_1'\'' will be added to each customer
SQL user and database name.
\Z4None\Zn: Choice will be let to customer.
' 14 70 3 infront '' off behind '' off none '' on
[Mon Jun 27 17:15:27 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: Command exited with value: 255
The problem is that I'm unable to reproduce that bug. Teamviewer ? I would appreciate teamviewer session. This would allow me to debug and fix for the first maintenance release.