Dear community,
WARNING - Before updating your i-MSCP installation, don't forget to read the errata file WARNING
After ~6 months of intensive work, we are pleasure to announce the immediate availability of i-MSCP version 1.3.0 which is a minor version. This new version starts a new serie for which a long time support (LTS) will be provided by our maintenance team.
We would like to especially thank our testers ( @theemstra, @flames ... ) which worked with us behind the scene. They really made a valuable work.
This new version addresses the following issues:
- Added: (before|after)AddIps events
- Added: (before|after)MountLogsFolder and (before|after)UnmountLogsFolder events
- Added: Caller info for __DIE__ and __WARN__ signal handlers
- Added: Debug info for loading of listener files (Event::Manager)
- Added: Fallback method for sysvinit scripts that don't provide status command (iMSCP::Provider::Service::Sysvinit)
- Added: `fixpermissions' option for the iMSCP::Dir::make() method
- Added: iMSCP::Database::mysql::useDatabase() method - Allow to select database on which we want operate on
- Added: iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor - Allows to process db tasks without spawning new process
- Added: imscp master system user (homedir is /var/local/imscp)
- Added: imscp-mountall script - Mount file systems by reading entries from i-MSCP fstab-like file
- Added: iMSCP::Mount library - Library for mounting/unmounting file systems
- Added: iMSCP::OpenSSL::getCertificateExpiryTime() method - Allow to get SSL certificate expiry time (UNIX timestamp)
- Added: onBoot event in iMSCP::Bootstrapper (triggered at end of bootstrapping process)
- Added: Servers::mta::postfix::postconf method() - Allows editing of Postfix parameters
- Added: Support for PHP 7.0 (httpd servers implementations)
- Added: Support for prime256v1 (ECDSA) keys (iMSCP::OpenSSL)
- Added: Support for systemd socket units (systemd init provider)
- Enhancement: Allow passing command through arrayref (iMSCP::Execute::execute, iMSCP::Execute::executeNoWait)
- Fixed: composer.phar must not be run with root user privileges (it is now run with i-MSCP system master user)
- Fixed: Could not disable custom DNS resource records; DNS resource records are always re-enabled on domain change
- Fixed: Database handle is destroyed when calling fork(), leading to unexpected failure (iMSCP::Database::mysql)
- Fixed: eth0 is hardcoded in i-MSCP network interface provider
- Fixed: Ignore user-specific options if any ~/.my.cnf file when running mysqldump (iMSCP::Database::mysql::dumpdb)
- Fixed: iMSCP::SystemUser::addSystemUser must allow empty value for user comment field
- Fixed: Mails sent from Backend could be rejected if sender email domain is hosted externally
- Fixed: Make sure that the `root' user HOME directory environment variable is defined
- Fixed: Many inconsistencies in iMSCP::Getopt
- Fixed: Upstart jobs not always enabled (iMSCP::Provider::Service::Debian::Upstart)
- Improvement: Allow registering same listener on many events at once (Event::Manager)
- Introduced: HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) feature
- Removed: (before|adter)DispatchRequest events
- Removed: cache data directory (/var/cache/imscp directory)
- Removed: imscp-httpd-logs-mngr script (Apache2 logs dirctories are now mounted via the iMSCP::Mount library)
- Removed: installConfFile() method from httpd server packages
- Rewritten: iMSCP::Mail library
- Rewritten: iMSCP::SetRights library (usage of built-in functions to avoid call of system chown/chmod commands)
- Rewritten: Postfix Server implementation (Servers::mta::postfix)
- Added: php configuration directory (directory which holds all PHP template and configuration parameters)
- Added: `DISTRO_ID', `DISTRO_CODENAME' and `DISTRO_RELEASE' parameters in imscp.conf file
- Added: `IMSCP_USER' parameter (name of i-MSCP master system user)
- Added: `IPV6_SUPPORT' parameter (tells whether or not IPv6 support is enabled for the server)
- Added: `MAX_INSTANCES', `MAX_CLIENT_PER_HOST' and `FTPD_CONF_DIR' parameters in proftpd/ file
- Added: `MOUNT_CUSTOMER_LOGS' parameter in apache/ file (allows to disable logs bind mounts)
- Changed: Increased default limits for ProFTPD/VsFTPd
- Changed: Moved DirectoryIndex directive in vhosts (Apache2)
- Depreciated: `CACHE_DATA_DIR' parameter
- Fixed: Allow access to `.well-known' folder in any case if exists (Apache2)
- Moved: Nginx configuration directory to frontend configuration directory
- Removed: Redundant `MYSQL_PREFIX_TYPE' parameter
- Removed: `VARIABLE_DATA_DIR' parameter
- Removed: i-MSCP intermediate working files, including working directory (Postfix)
- Removed: i-MSCP intermediate working files, including working directory (Apache)
- Removed: fcgi configuration directory (merged into php configuration directory)
- Removed: php-fpm configuration directory (merged into php configuration directory)
- Added: 10_bind9_rrl listener file (Listener implementing RRL (Response-Rate-Limiting))
- Added: PhpMyAdmin/ listener file (Allows to override default configuration template file)
- Updated: All listener files for i-MSCP 1.3.x Serie
- Added: notify() function allowing to notify parent process when daemon has been fully initialized
- Added: Added help for command line options
- Bumped: Version to 1.3.0
- Fixed: Ensures that the daemon process is re-parented to init/PID 1 (double fork())
- Fixed: Exits from the parent process only after daemon full initialization
- Fixed: Possible buffer overflow
- Fixed: Segfault when client issue bad `helo` command
- Merged: signal handlers
- Added: SPF type to the list of allowed DNS resource records
- Changed: `domain_dns.domain_dns' and `domain_dns.domain_text' column types from varchar to text
- Changed: i-MSCP now uses its own SQL user (master SQL user). See errata file for more details.
- Updated: `domain_id' index on `domain_dns' table; added index length for `domain_dns' and `domain_text' columns
- Fixed: libpam-mysql package - undefined symbol: make_scrambled_password (bugs affecting all distributions)
- Fixed: libpam-mysql package - possible segfault (bugs affecting all distributions)
- Added: Datatable for domains, subdomains, domain aliases and DNS resource records (client level)
- Added: Datatable for the file system information table (admin level)
- Added: iMSCP\Crypt library
- Added: iMSCP\Net class - Allows to get list of network devices and IP addresses (stdlib)
- Added: \iMSCP\Json\LazyDecoder class for lazy-decoding of JSON data
- Added: Exclamation icon
- Added: MX DNS resource record type (client level)
- Added: `onParseTemplate' event (event triggered when a template is parsed)
- Added: `onSendMail' event (event triggered each time a mail is sent)
- Added: SPF DNS resource record type (validated as a TXT record) (client level)
- Added: Support for .phtml template files (stdlib)
- Added: torul() function for escaping a string for the URI or parameter contexts (stdlib)
- Changed: DNS resource record are no longer created automatically (client level - See errata for more details)
- Changed: exec() PHP function is no longer disabled for the control panel (master php.ini file)
- Changed: The `type' field cannot longer be changed when editing a DNS resource record (client level)
- Changed: Support for nested MySQL transactions is now emulated using named transaction savepoints (stdlib)
- Fixed: Bruteforce feature still acts even when disabled (lostpassword.php)
- Fixed: Could not add DKIM/DMARC DNS resource records (client level)
- Fixed: Could not retrieve network devices list under Debian Stretch (testing) - Related to #IP-1525 (admin level)
- Fixed: Customer must be allowed to set custom TTL value for any DNS resource record (client level)
- Fixed: Customer must be allowed to set `name' field of any DNS resource record (client level)
- Fixed: Customer PHP permissions not saved when editing customer account (regression fix)
- Fixed: Could not remove database; There is no such grant defined for user... (stdlib)
- Fixed: Could not set URL redirect when adding domain alias; Bad request error page (client level)
- Fixed: Email template inconsistencies
- Fixed: IDNs are shown in IDNA form in several places
- Fixed: iMSCP_Update_Database::addIndex() doesn't allows to set index length (stdlib)
- Fixed: Lostpasword feature is broken
- Fixed: Mails sent from FrontEnd could be rejected if sender email domain is hosted externally
- Fixed: Privileges on database that contains wildcards are not removed when SQL user is assigned to many databases
- Fixed: Reseller PHP permissions not saved when editing reseller account (regression fix)
- Fixed: Uncaught ReferenceError: `ajaxStop' is not defined (admin level)
- Fixed: Wrong behavior with exception handler when database connection is not available (stdlib)
- Fixed: Wrong value for `LOG_LEVEL' configuration parameter
- Introduced: HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) feature
- Removed: User deletion confirmation pages (admin and reseller levels)
- Removed: iMSCP_NetworkCard class; replaced by iMSCP\Net class (stdlib)
- Rewritten: FTP chooser interface to avoid usage of iframe and allows fine-grained filtering (client level)
- Rewritten: Protected area interface (client level)
- Added: --fix-permissions command line option. See errata file for more details.
- Added: (before|after)SetupRegisterPluginListeners events
- Added: Check for maximum supported PHP/Perl versions
- Added: Check to prevent downgrade attempts (when DB schema change is involved)
- Added: Conditional statement feature for install.xml files (copy_config items only)
- Added: Layer allowing to rebuild Debian/Ubuntu source packages using pbuilder after applying a set patches on them
- Added: `onBuildPackageList' event (Allows to override default distribution packages file)
- Fixed: `_' and `%' wildcards must be escaped in GRANT statements
- Fixed: Debug and verbose modes must be set early
- Fixed: Disable Dovecot systemd socket activation unit if any (not needed for Dovecot as configured by i-MSCP)
- Fixed: Don't die on misconfigured server hostname. Just ask for a valid hostname instead
- Fixed: Invalid regexes for SQL user/password (Package::PhpMyAdmin::Installer)
- Fixed: libmariadbclient18 package not provided in Debian Stretch (testing) repository
- Fixed: /etc/mailname file not updated when reconfiguring system hostname
- Fixed: Ignore SIGNINT to prevent user aborting installer in wrong way
- Fixed: Master DNS zone is always deleted on i-MSCP update/reconfiguration (Package::FrontEnd::Installer)
- Fixed: MySQL server 5.6 no longer available for Ubuntu 16.04 (replaced by MySQL server 5.7)
- Fixed: Plugin setup listeners are no longer registered (regression fix)
- Fixed: SQL user and password not correctly escaped in imscp.cnf file (Servers::sqld::mysql::installer)
- Moved: Master administrator questions and setup routines into Package::FrontEnd::Installer
- Removed: Update notices (link to errata file is sufficient)
- Renamed: imscp-setup script to imscp-reconfigure
- Added: Monsta FTP package
- Disabled: Pydio in case PHP >= 7.0.0 is detected
- Fixed: As of 2012-6-7, the md5 algorithm is "no longer considered safe" (Package::FrontEnd::Installer)
- Fixed: `ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING' error due to wrong permissions on nginx fastcgi cache directory (FrontEnd)
- Fixed: Missing IP version check (Package::FrontEnd::Installer)
- Fixed: White page due to `net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING' errors (related to #IP-1530) (PhpMyAdmin)
- Updated: PhpMyAdmin version to 4.6.0 - Only for servers with PHP/MySQL >= 5.5 (Package::PhpMyAdmin::Installer)
- Enhancement: Plugin backend packages can now be simple objects
- Fixed: Plugin configuration not synced when triggering plugin list update (when a plugin is in error state)
- Fixed: Plugin manager must load plugins by respecting their priority
- Fixed: The `change' action must be automatically triggered on plugin list update, even for plugins with error state
- Fixed: Wrong events triggered when a plugin is being locked/unlocked
- Updated: API version to 1.0.4
- Added: i-MSCP own logrorate configuration file for ProFTPD (xferlog file don't need to be rotated)
- Added: i-MSCP own sysvinit script for ProFTPD - solve #IP-1402
- Changed: HTTPD log directories are now bind-mounted as read-only files system
- Changed: setenvif module is now always required ((Httpd servers)
- Fixed: AH01265: attempt to invoke directory as script: /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/cgi-bin/
- Fixed: Bad regexp in getTraffic() method leading to unmatching of traffic data (VsFTPd)
- Fixed: Could not build local vsftpd package when gpg has been initialized; .changes file cannot be signed
- Fixed: Courier sysvinit script must not be copied when selected PO server is Dovecot
- Fixed: Disabled mod_tls_memcache.c module to avoid weird notice on restart (ProFTPD)
- Fixed: Do not fix user/group and mode when not required (Httpd server implementations)
- Fixed: Do not remove default DNS records that are not redefined (Servers::named::bind)
- Fixed: Enable support for UTF-8 file systems (VsFTPd)
- Fixed: Hide real server identity (ProFTPD)
- Fixed: Invalid version format (non-numeric data) when installing VsFTPd on Debian Stretch (testing)
- Fixed: IP addresses are added multiple time in Apache 00_nameserver.conf file (Httpd servers)
- Fixed: libmysqlclient18 package not available for Ubuntu 16.04
- Fixed: must not be installed in /usr/sbin (moved to /usr/local/sbin)
- Fixed: not removed on uninstallation
- Fixed: path must not be hardcoded
- Fixed: ON|OFF strings not recognized as boolean value in imscp.cnf file (MySQL)
- Fixed: Postfix (>= 3.0) is showing many warnings about backwards-compatible settings (default setting chroot=y)
- Fixed: Postfix maps must not be world-readable (Postfix)
- Fixed: The SOA serial number must be incremented only once when a DNS zone is updated (Servers::named::bind)
- Fixed: Traffic accounting routines must not remove log files (ProFTPD/VsFTPd). Files are now truncated instead
- Fixed: Useless reload of VsFTPd when adding/removing an FTP user (privileges are given by session)
- Fixed: VsFTPd doesn't reopen xferlog file automatically when the file has been removed, leading to traffic data loss
- Fixed: VsFTPD doesn't support non-ascii characters in FTP usernames
- Fixed: When the --skip-distro-packages installer option is set, the vsftpd local package shouldn't be rebuilt
- Removed: /var/log/proftpd/ftp_traff.log custom log. Traffic data are now pulled from /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
- Added: imscp_mountall service - Mount filesystems on server reboot
- Patched: phpseclib library (deprecated constructor method - PHP >= 7.0)
- Updated: phpseclib library to version 1.0.2
- Fixed: Avoid SELECT queries while dump of traffic data
- Fixed: SQL statement must be prepared once per dump process
- Fixed: Wrong SQL user host (localhost instead of
- IP-0931 Unexpected error on protected area creation
- IP-1231 Default SPF DNS resource records should be overrideable
- IP-1365 Check for IPv6 support when installing services
- IP-1395 Domain redirect feature - Missing URL path separator
- IP-1402 ProFTPD doesn't restart properly - killed (signal 15) - Wheezy/Precise/Trusty
- IP-1410 Feature - Possibility to change redirection type
- IP-1509 Could not generate SSL certificate through the frontEnd - Invalide SSL certificate
- IP-1510 VsFTPd - Use of uninitialized value $tmpFile
- IP-1511 Use of uninitialized value $imscpOldConfig{"BASE_SERVER_VHOST"} on fresh install
- IP-1513 Autoreply - Do not autoreply to messages marked as SPAM
- IP-1514 Could not install i-MSCP on Ubuntu Trusty Thar in some contexts
- IP-1525 ifconfig output format has changed in latest versions
- IP-1527 Wrong syntax in the VsFTPd uninstaller, leading to an i-MSCP uninstallation failure
- IP-1530 Nginx - Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING
- IP-1533 i-MSCP is not compatible with servers on which IPv6 stack is disabled
- IP-1536 systemd - imscp_daemon service can fail to start/restart
- IP-1539 Default behaviour when adding a MySQL user is counter-intuitive
- IP-1549 RRL implementation for BIND/Named config
- IP-1555 Syntax error in imscp-disable-accounts script
- IP-1557 vsftpd - request failed due to PAM unable to dlopen(
- IP-1563 Default MX record not removed when adding external mailserver (domain type)
- IP-1564 Debian pam-mysql source package - Could not satisfy build dependencies
- IP-1565 Broken catch-all after deletion of a mailbox
- IP-1566 Exception thrown when requesting password for reseller with deleted admin
- IP-1567 "Unknown" status in users overview
- IP-1572 Upstart Provider - Possible precedence issue with control flow operator
- IP-1573 On i-MSCP update, some disabled customer items are still processed which is unexpected
You can download this new version at:
Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.