Have a site on http://website.com - working on IP x.x.x.8
added https cert to it and works for both https and http.
another domain on x.x.x.8
add https it also works
however a 3rd domain I'm playing with I have a wildcard cert - using cloudflare cert
however when I test it is is not working..
http://domain / sub.domain.com load fine
https://domain or invoice.domain.com load https://website.com instead
verified that domain_ssl.conf appeared to load the correct docroot - but still not sure why it is loading domain.com and showing website.com (cert is using *.website.com)
One of the potential issues:
cloudflare does not have a bundle so to get it working I had to save the pem files and edit each sites <domain>_ssl.conf file for keyfile and aim directly at that sites pem file vs the existing method.
The SSL input screen won't allow a save without bundle text pasted in - and using cloudflare - that is not possible.
- LetsEncrypt - was playing with that but couldn't figure out sub-domains
I need primarily a billing / invoice subdomain to be protected - however would prefer all sites with https.. especially since Cloudflare provides this free!
--- Not sure any of this would be resolved with 1.3...
and it seems like 1.3 is a bit off (still some stabilization time pending - before release)... - was hoping it would show up in May but now June is almost gone and I'm betting July will be busy as well and possibly not see 1.3 either.
Either way - think the SSL is pretty nice - but primarily the fix would be to allow save without bundle text I think....?