SSL certificate problem

  • Hello,

    I have a main-domain called I configured a SSL certificate and it works great. Now I added a domain called I configured a SSL certificate too but now when I call it shows me the message: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN - why? Did I sth. wrong?

    I use 1.2.17 and patched the bug already.
    Thanks! :)

  • Please check what certificate is being served, if you use chrome, click on the green lock, then Details.
    You should see the reason it doesn't validate.
    You then can click Show Certificate and please show the address + issuer.

    Also please check the apache logfiles for your domain.

    If this didn't work, post the certificate (not private key) here or in a PM so we can take a look.

  • Thank you for your quick answer :)

    I've checked the message on chrome and he says that the certificate is for instead of I will send u the key per PM. Apache logfiles are okay.

  • yeah, you're right but for the .eu domain-alias i added a certificate for the .eu domain but he still uses over the browser the .de certificate. did i configure sth wrong?

  • for the .eu domain i added the .eu certificate but the browser still get the .de certificate for the .eu domain. i'll send you the certificate for the .eu domain per pm.

  • Try removing the certificate from the domain with the wrong certificate.
    Then copy the right certificate in again.

    If this does not solve the issue, please send a PM with access details (panel login details for the domain account)

  • Alright, so after reviewing the situation we reccomend upgrading to 1.3.x, because a lot of bugs (especially regarding SSL) have been resolved since 1.2.17.
    Upgrade and let us know if your problem has been resolved :)