SSL Certificate Information not correct?

  • Hi,

    I inserted my certificate details at version 1.2.11 - working fine.
    Now I have 1.2.12 and want to add one more certificate to a domain alias, but i I get this error in imscp admin panel: "Mindestens ein "Intermediate"-Zertifikat ist falsch oder fehlt."
    So i opened my domain (already have the ssl certificate and https is working), clicked "Domain bearbeiten" and I only click "Aktualisieren", but I got the following message above too.

    Is there something incorrect by the validation function of imscp?

    Thank you

  • @Grex

    See Seit Update zu 1.2.14 keine Letsencrypt Certs mehr

    Fix will be part of 1.2.15 version which will be released soon.
