Solved - phpswitcher - 500 errrors?

  • I'll preface -
    Probably my fault and not code... but definitely not working right for me...

    System is running php 5.5.30 (used upgrade process from within the forums for how to get that working before I purchased the phpswitcher plugin)

    I have current version loaded and believe its setup right...
    plugin loaded without issue and I ran the script to download and prep 5.6 and 7.x versions to be available.

    I used these for the following php setups - which may be where the problem is:

    PHP 7.0

    PHP 5.6

    all looked good but when I change a domain *as a user account* and set to 5.6 / 7 I get 500 errors...

    From Domain error logs:
    FastCGI: failed to connect to server "/var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/php5-fcgi-<domain>.com": connect() failed

    So I'm sure I have something wrong... but where exactly?

    Edited once, last by viper_iii ().

  • Hello,

    • Distro, codename
    • i-MSCP version in use
    • Phpswitcher plugin version in use
    • Httpd server implementation in use

    If needed, you can add my ssh key to your server. Then I can check.


    1. /opt/phpswitcher/php7.0/etc/php/conf

    is wrong

    1. /opt/phpswitcher/php5.6/etc/php/conf

    is also wrong

    In plugin readme file:


  • Debian
    Wheezy 7.9

    phpswicher 2.0.1

    fcgi not fpm I think.....

    which directory do I run:
    # perl imscp-autoinstall -dar httpd


    Crap - see - didn't read well enough... checking and attempting to fix right now..