Opcache deaktivieren

  • Tag zusammen,

    welches wäre wohl der sinnvollste weg den Opcache abzuschalten?

    1.: Generell für den gesamten Server

    2.: Gibt es eine möglichkeit, dies ggf. nur für einzelne Instanzen zu tun?

    3.: In einem Post hier im Forum habe ich gelesen, dass es einen Button zum clearen des caches gibt, seitens imscp. Wo wäre der zu finden?

    Gruß Pinky

  • @'Pinky

    We need more information about your environment.

    Anyway, assuming that you're using latest i-MSCP 1.2.x stable série:

    • opcache is not enabled for customer sites by default.
    • There is no specific button to flush opcache cache in the control panel for your customers


  • Ah, I am sorry. I should have known better :D

    1.2.11 on Debian and Ubuntu machines.

    I disabled the php-module by commenting out this file:

    I guess this method disables the opcache for the whole server.

    It would be great to have an option to choose if a customer would like to use the opcache or not. It seems that the opcache is activated for all customers. Usually the opcache does not cause any problems, but specially TYPO3-Installations with Extbase extensions often do. In particular, while developing in these environments. So we decided to turn of the cache completely - the issues are gone now.

    Best regards,


  • hej...

    it's not usefull to commenting out the file. You'll find a "opcache.enable = 0" at the end of /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini which does the same.
    I guess if you put a "opcache.enable = 1" in the neccessary conf file under /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d you can activate opcache for a special pool.
    Don't forget to restart the services...


    --- das glas ist halb voll ---