Suddenly shopware backend not loading

  • Hi there,

    I´ve opened a thread some days ago but as this one is marked as solved I have to open a new one. We´ve got some serious error with our development server.
    On the server there is one user with several subdomains (26 subdomains and 5 domain aliases). Today we deployed a shopware project and all of a sudden all shopware projects
    won´t work? The frontend is accessible but the backend won´t load. It loads about 60 seconds and then breaks. Anyone ever seen that?

    Today I changed from php-fcgi to php-fpm - no success :(

    Any ideas whats going wrong?

    Best regards

  • @Pupp3tm4st3r

    When you post, don't forget to give us all information about your environment:

    • Distro, codename
    • i-MSCP version
    • i-MSCP server implementation for the service that cause problems (here PHP-FPM Apache2 httpd server implementation)
    • List of plugin in use
    • error log if any for the related service

    And in your specific case:

    • PHP version in use (through phpswitcher or not)
    • PHP configuration level (per_user, per_domain or per_site)
    • Any exotic settings related to PHP and their values
    • List of any non-default PHP extension
    • Opcache/APC enabled or not



  • @Cool

    You're too fast for me ;)


  • PHPversion used depends on the shopware project - actual its a PHP 5.6.17, I didn´t configure the fpm pool at first, tried to raise the child processes, didn´t work, apache version 2.4.16.

    The log now shows:

    Failed to read FastCGI header

    imscp version: 1.2.11
    php-version used: 5.6.17
    phpswitcher: 2.0.1
    opcache enabld/disabled - no impact
    apc not installed
    ioncube installed (v. 5.0.19)

  • @Pupp3tm4st3r

    In order:

    • Disable opcache/apc if enabled
    • Raise PHP memory in the pool conffile that belongs to your shopware PHP application

    Once done restart the PHP-FPM instance that belong to PHP 5.6.17 (service psw-5.6-fpm restart if you use PHP as provided by PhpSwitcher) and see the result.

    BTW: Still waiting your answer for what I've asked above ;)


  • @Pupp3tm4st3r

    Can I access the server?


  • Your shopware is using the PHP version with installed ioncube loader? Also can you please post the PHP or JavaScript error?