Question to the devs

  • Ok, i'm checking the code for imscp-net-interfaces-mngr.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to add a value 'dontadd' or something similar.
    So we can change the query on line 50 to:

    1. "SELECT ip_number, ip_card FROM server_ips WHERE ip_status <> 'todelete' AND ip_status <> 'dontadd'"

    In short i'm looking for a way to add ip's but they don't get added to physical device.

    Dit some testing on my server. And this does seem to work. Don't think it alters any other mechanics

    Edited 2 times, last by GuardMoony ().

  • @GuardMoony

    Sorry but we cannot start to hack the code for you ;) You're trying to link two servers on the same i-MSCP installation but the current design doesn't allows doing such thing. Many layers are involved and too much changes in the current code would lead to unexpected problems. The 1.2.x serie is frozen and not open for such changes. Only small ehancements bug patches and CS fixes are accepted.


  • @GuardMoony

    Sorry but we cannot start to hack the code for you ;) You're trying to link two servers on the same i-MSCP installation but the current design doesn't allows doing such thing. Many layers are involved and too much changes in the current code would lead to unexpected problems. The 1.2.x serie is frozen and not open for such changes. Only small ehancements bug patches and CS fixes are accepted.

    Am i allowed to fork the github. And try to hack some code in ?

  • You can do whatever you want in your own repository but our team will not give you any support.
