Laurent kannst Du streichen. Da war ich nur zu faul, das zu ändern, da es doch ne Menge ist.
Daniel ist eigentlich noch aktiv, was er zu mir meinte
Aber Xister, du kannst doch den Internen lesen und sieht doch was ic schon öfters gefragt habe
Laurent kannst Du streichen. Da war ich nur zu faul, das zu ändern, da es doch ne Menge ist.
Daniel ist eigentlich noch aktiv, was er zu mir meinte
Aber Xister, du kannst doch den Internen lesen und sieht doch was ic schon öfters gefragt habe
Ja, Daniel muss mal wieder in die Tasten hauen. Denn dann kann das Release ja raus
Dass Laurent raus ist, ist ja allgemein bekannt.
Hi All,
etwas schade, da er "Laurent" der Motor von allem hier in seiner Anwesenheit war, ohne ihn ist alles sehr ruhig geworden...
Laurent war nie ein Motor. Laurent hat nur gemacht, was er wollte, ohne sich was zu lassen oder in einem Team zu arbeiten.
Ich sag mal so: wäre Laurent noch hier, sehe es wahrscheinlich noch schlechter aus
Laurent war nie ein Motor. Laurent hat nur gemacht, was er wollte, ohne sich was zu lassen oder in einem Team zu arbeiten.
Ich sag mal so: wäre Laurent noch hier, sehe es wahrscheinlich noch schlechter aus
Hi ;
I'm reading that thread since few days and now, I'm sorry but, I cannot retain myself anymore.
Maybe I was not a motor but it's easy to compare with me and without me:
With Laurent: see the timeline (also on github), new features integrated and so on...
Without Laurent: see the timeline (also on github), new features integrated and so on...
The reality is that without Daniel and me, the project is nothing (a least for now). What I see since I've left the team (about ~6 months now), it's only some quick fixes and some 3rd party software's update.
So now Torsten (goover), you can continue to say all what you want about me but you have just to make comparison of periods and analyse the difference about productivity...
Also please, forget me. All here know what you think about me, your personal war against me... I've forgotten that project (because you), so go in peace. For sure, you was a good motor against me
Even, you can finish all my old job ie: finish the plugins interface since it's not and so on...
BTW: I want not war. I ask just you to stop little goover. It's easy to talk about former team members. You wanted my head, you got it. Perhaps it is now time to stop and start working for the project Torsten. Marketing is good Torsten but if you had nothing to "sell", it is useless ...
Laurent (Nuxwin)
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Also please, forget me. All here know what you think about me, your personal war against me... I've forgotten that project (because you), so go in peace. For sure, you was a good motor against me
BTW: I want not war. I ask just you to stop little goover. It's easy to talk about former team members. You wanted my head, you got it. Perhaps it is now time to stop and start working for the project Torsten. Marketing is good Torsten but if you had nothing to "sell", it is useless ...
Laurent (Nuxwin)
Good Words nothing against it. I don't want to head up old things.
I am pleased that Laurent again here is the project can now be fixed more quickly and maintained.
Welcome Laurent
Hello there
Is there a list with the devels and their skills? I want to help in some small things, but also need a 'mentor' for some code reviews;-)
Also i'm happy to see Nuxwin back! He is a little bit an 'idol' for me in focus of his programming knowledge...
Maybe you can ask Nuxwin. Best Way is. Fork i-MSCP on Github and push your code as "Pullrequest"