Hi there,
if i try to install the new i-mscp on a brand new Debian i do get this error:
- [ERROR] autoinstaller::Adapter::DebianAdapter::_processAptRepositories: --2017-07-31 19:07:04-- https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg
- Resolving packages.sury.org (packages.sury.org)..., 2001:1488:ac15:ff90::150
- Connecting to packages.sury.org (packages.sury.org)||:443... connected.
- ERROR: The certificate of ‘packages.sury.org’ is not trusted.
- ERROR: The certificate of ‘packages.sury.org’ hasn't got a known issuer.
- The certificate has not yet been activated
- [ERROR] autoinstaller::Functions::build: An error occurred while performing build steps
Can anybody help me with this?
Thank you guys in advance!