MySQL zerschossen bei Upgrade von 1.3.7 auf 1.4.3

  • Hallo,

    eigentlich wollte ich meinem Home-Server nur mal eine neue Version von i-mscp gönnen. Leider kam es zu Fehlern.

    Beim Updateprozess konnte er nicht mit dem eingegeben Passwort zu MySQL connecten. Also habe ich es manuell über die Konsole mit "mysql -u root -p" versucht. Auch hier kein Erfolg. Vielleicht hatte ich ja mein Passwort falsch notiert. Also hab ich es neu gesetzt aber auch danach konnte ich nicht connecten. Also MySQL entfernt und neu installiert (BACKUP von /etc/mysql und /var/lib/mysql vorhanden).
    Leider auch damit kein Erfolg außer das sich der Dienst gar nicht mehr starten lässt. Dann wohl ein weiterer ungünstiger Fehler. Ich habe Ubuntu 14.04 auf 16.04 ein release upgrade gegönnt und dachte das behebt den Fehler. Aber auch hier immer noch gleiches Fehlerbild.

    1. mysql-server-core-5.7 (5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) wird eingerichtet ...[ERROR] Package::FrontEnd::Installer::_copyPhpBinary: PHP `PHP_FPM_BIN_PATH' configuration parameter is not set.E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/ -a ${IMSCP_SETUP:=0} -eq 0 ]; then /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/sbin/ -d; fi'E: Sub-process returned an error code

    Irgendwie scheint da schon beim upgrade der i-mscp version etwas schief gelaufen zu sein.
    Hat noch jemand einen Rat? Für jeglichen Hinweis bin ich dankbar.

    Edited once, last by root666 ().

  • mysql-server-core-5.7 (5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) wird eingerichtet ...
    [ERROR] Package::FrontEnd::Installer::_copyPhpBinary: PHP `PHP_FPM_BIN_PATH' configuration parameter is not set.
    E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/ -a ${IMSCP_SETUP:=0} -eq 0 ]; then /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/sbin/ -d; fi'
    E: Sub-process returned an error code

    execute: rm -r /usr/local/sbin/

    There is something wrong with your Mysql Installation. Without further details we cannot help. That is not i-MSCP related.


  • Thx Nuxwin,

    rm -r /usr/local/sbin/ has removed the Error.

    I have fully removed mysql, also /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql
    After reinstalling mysql works now fine.

    ok, now im doing "perl imscp-autoinstall -d" again, but how get i my mysql-data back?

    I have a backup from /var/lib/mysql, whats now to do? Only copy the backup files to /var/lib/mysql and restart the mysql server and do a "perl imscp-autoinstall -r" after this?

    EDIT: oh pls remind the backup data are from mysql-server-5.5, now its mysql-server-5.7 installed.

    Upgrade was successfull and i have done the following commands.

    but i get this error:

    1. [FATAL] iMSCP::Dialog::InputValidation::isAvailableSqlUser: Error while executing statement: Table 'imscp.sql_user' doesn't exist at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Dialog/ line 460.

    Edited 3 times, last by root666 ().

  • ok, now im doing "perl imscp-autoinstall -d" again, but how get i my mysql-data back?

    I have a backup from /var/lib/mysql, whats now to do? Only copy the backup files to /var/lib/mysql and restart the mysql server and do a "perl imscp-autoinstall -r" after this?

    EDIT: oh pls remind the backup data are from mysql-server-5.5, now its mysql-server-5.7 installed.

    That not so simple..

    Well, I would suggest the following:

    • Purge all MySQL packages again
    • Rsync your /var/lib/mysql backup
    • Rsync your /etc/mysql backup (I hope you have also the backup)
    • Install MySQL 5.7 manually (Upgrade should take place automatically).
    • Update your root SQL password: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.7

    Once done, you should be able to rerun i-MSCP installer.


  • ok i have wasted to many time to fix this with 16.04 and mysql-server-5.7. So i have fresh reeinstalled my server with 14.04.05 (mysql-server-5.5), then installed i-mscp 1.3.7 and rsync my backup back. After a few hours to fix some things i have running all domains (except domains with database in the background, problem see below). After this i have updated i-mscp to version 1.4.3.
    One problem left. It seems a problem with the sql users for the customer domains. Before (vers. 1.3.7) i have a button "login with phpmyadmin", now there on the same position i have only the options "Passwort aktualisieren/change password" or "delete". Before (vers. 1.3.7 login over the button) and now vers. 1.4.3 the login directly in phpmyadmin with the sql- users failed. Cant login in phpmyadmin with the customer sql-users. I have changed /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/pma/ and login with "root".

    mysql --> imscp --> sql_users (all users listed)

    mysql --> imcsp_pma --> pma_userconfig (all users listed)

    mysql --> home --> databases --> (select a user database) check rights --> (only debian-sys-maint, imscp_user and root listed)
    Is there a way to fix this without delete and add all sql users by hand?

    ok i have fixed the sql users by hand. im done. :D so the problem seems to be solved. Thx Nuxwin for your support.

    Für alle anderen mit solchen Problemen anbei ein paar Links:
    Serverumzug i-mscp:
    Reset MySQL-Password:…t-zuruecksetzen-resetten/ oder MySQL root funzt nach Update nicht mehr

    phpmyadmin als root user nutzen:
    change $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] to "true" : /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/pma/
    dannach: service imscp_panel restart

    Edited 10 times, last by root666 ().

  • phpmyadmin als root user nutzen:
    change $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] to "true" : /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/pma/
    dannach: service imscp_panel restart

    There is not need to use SQL root user there... Simply use the imscp_user in place.
