Edit reseller: Error 400 Bad Request - is back

  • IMSCP 1.3.8
    Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie)

    I get a Error 400 Bad Request when editing a reseller
    All admin user status is OK, on IMSCP 1.3.7 it works ...

    table for the reseller users:
    admin_sys_name = NULL
    admin_sys_uid = 0

    customer_id for both reseller = 0
    also for panel superadmin the customer_id = 0

    Edited 2 times, last by fulltilt ().

  • table for the reseller users:
    admin_sys_name = NULL
    admin_sys_uid = 0

    customer_id for both reseller = 0
    also for panel superadmin the customer_id = 0

    And so? I Think that you have not idea of why these column are set with NULL or 0 value.. There is not problem with these values (in the context of the reseller and admininistrator).

    I get a Error 400 Bad Request when editing a reseller

    Be sure that for the reseller you're editing, theire is a corresponding row in the reseller_props table.


  • You migrated lately from ispCP?


  • You migrated lately from ispCP?

    no, ispcp migration is about 4 years ago ;-)
    I guess user_gui_props has a few leftovers from ispcp, could this cause a 400 error?
    2 days ago I have migrated to a new host w/o any error messages
    Tomorrow I will check all the quota records too, we will see ...

  • I guess user_gui_props has a few leftovers from ispcp, could this cause a 400 error?

    You're database is corrupted. That only what I can say. Those entries shouldn't not be there.

    2 days ago I have migrated to a new host w/o any error messages

    But now, you cannot edit a reseller without getting a 400 (bad request error) page....

    Tomorrow I will check all the quota records too, we will see ...

    That is not the subject here !


  • I have the fixed and rechecked all the records, but nothing has changed, I can edit all the users even the superuser but rerseller shows an error message.
    Another PHP thing that might be related to it ... I dont know ...
    A change of max_input_vars has no effect for PMA

    nano /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
    max_input_vars = 10000
    nano /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
    max_input_vars = 10000

    service php5-fpm restart
    service imscp_panel restart
    service nginx restart
    service apache2 restart

    PMA still shows a warning about max_input_vars is set to 1000

  • @fulltilt

    You don't want listen.. One thread = One problem...

    I have the fixed and rechecked all the records, but nothing has changed, I can edit all the users even the superuser but rerseller shows an error message.

    You fixed... Still that we don't know what you have done exactly... The problem with you is that you're doing thing without really understanding what you're doing... Hence, my next answer.

    Did you searched on our forums before trying to change value from php.ini files which are not even involved in the context of the i-MSCP frontEnd which include PMA? Did you at last read the errata file? I'll repeat once a time:

    The i-MSCP frontEnd, as the tools such as PMA, Roundcube, Rainloop... are run through a dedicated PHP-FPM instance. The php.ini file and the FPM pool configuration file are both located at /usr/local/etc/imscp_panel/


    Well, it is clear here that the fault is on your side.

    Thread closed due rule 4 which you don't respect.
