i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.6 Codename: Eagle Migrate move alle data to newest fresh installed i-MSCP ? How to ? FAQ

  • I really have an old version of i-MSCP: 1.1.0-rc4.6 Build: 20131028 Codename: Eagle
    History ;( Maybe its mission impossible. But how to migrate this all databases websites to newest version ?

    i-MSCP database will not be compatible with newest i guess. Is there a way to export all user databases passwords (Mysql ?)
    Sync some source files to new system ? I did found this script:

    At least i should be able to move the website data and export and import my sql databases. And from there build up new i-MSCP

    users and "connect" them to those old sources ..... who can give me some advise ? :rolleyes:

  • Do a backup of your system and just try to upgrade running the installer of latest version :)

  • My old i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.6 Is running on Debian 6.0 (squeeze) is the latest version compatible ? (I have a backup) I really hope so, 8o thnx for the quick reply !!! :shy:

  • Then also do a dist-upgrade to wheezy :D

    PS: Is it a vm? Hope you can do snapshots...

  • I would

    • do a snapshot
    • Upgrade to wheezy
    • Run latest imscp Installer

    If there are errors, just jump back to llatest snapshot and post errors here..

  • I did setup a new i-MSCP 1.3.5 Build: 20161001 Codename: Horner (Debian 7.11)
    Upgrade to much problems ... Now i will move databases and websites ... Only i did notice that when using webmin i cant see sql and apache, is it in a other then default dir ? Also when using Mysql admin i cant login with root ?
    mysql -u root -p is working fine ? Why is this ? How can i change this ?

  • Only i did notice that when using webmin i cant see sql and apache, is it in a other then default dir ? Also when using Mysql admin i cant login with root ?
    mysql -u root -p is working fine ? Why is this ? How can i change this ?

    Not i-MSCP related. You should know what you're doing.

    Thread closed.
