I think the following idea is a good idea
The idea is that we can change the alternative url from vu****.panel.domain.net to vu*****.domain.net (or other).
What you think about the idea?
I think the following idea is a good idea
The idea is that we can change the alternative url from vu****.panel.domain.net to vu*****.domain.net (or other).
What you think about the idea?
It can't work...
If it works for you, it's just because you own a single server...
All this depend on the base server vhost (panel domain) which you have entered during setup.
@kess vuxxx.fqdn.tld would work
Not really.... an FQHN is required for the panel. Alternative URLs are part of the panel zone (e.g. panel.domain.tld). We cannot add out of zone records (such as vuxxx.domain.tld or even *.domain.tld) in the panel.domain.tld zone. Of course, if you manage your DNS externally, you can do whatever you want in the domain.tld zone, but in the i-MSCP interface, you'll not have links such as vuxxx.domain.tld. You'll have links such as vuxxx.panel.domain.tld.
@kess vuxxx.fqdn.tld would work
I dont agree with you, at least not totally.
It works correctly if you have 1 single server.
Server 1 : server1.mydomain.tld
Server 2 : server2.mydomain.tld
At present I have a record in the registrar DNS that tells:
*.server1.mydomain.tld A
*.server2.mydomain.tld A
So it works without intervention because every vuxxxx.serverX.mydomain.tld are transparently "created" or better, automatically resolved.
But if you remove the subdomain alias from the panel address:
First Problem: If you want to act like the Change Request, you have to setup each vuxxxx.mydomain.tld individually in your registrar DNS (at least for my case)
Second Problem: Who grants that vuxxxx can't be on both systems ?
Do you see what happens ?
You're totally right If you use the same domain for many i-MSCP instances (each in a subzone as you mention). That exactly why we require a FQHN for the base server vhost
Anyway, even with a single instance, this would pose problem due to limitation in current i-MSCP implementation (see my previous answer). We will solve that in future with DNS delegation but your sentence will be still valid.
You're totally right If you use the same domain for many i-MSCP instances (each in a subzone as you mention). That exactly why we require a FQHN for the base server vhost
Well, the other method could be to use 1 unique domain for each instance... But I can't see how it could be useful...
I meant vuxxx.server1.domain.tld instead of vuxxx.admin.server1.domain.tld
This is already possible and this is the default layout for new installations. Eg:
If during i-MSCP setup you enter srv01.domain.tld for the server hostname dialog, the default value for the panel hostname dialog will be panel.domain.tld. Therefore, alternative URLs would look like vuxxx.panel.domain.tld.
But this is not what @timpim asks for. He want the host part of alternative URLs as a subdomain of domain.tld. This is not possible, as explained in my previous answer.