Hi there,
I moved to another server and wanted to stay as secure as possible. So I tried to create all iptable rules first and found an easier solution called "ufw".
So I decided to remove the default iptables and use ufw instead. Is there anyone who has more knowledge about iptables and ufw who could tell me if it is a "good way" or not?
- 1.0
- Initial release
- 1.1 (24.02.2016)
- ftp passive ports
- remove ipv4 and ipv6 rules on startup and at failback
- using ufw reset to completely reset all rules
- removed log entries
Here is my current script which creates my ufw iptable rules:
Shell-Script: ufw.sh
- # switch iptables to accept all and reset all rules
- iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
- iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- iptables -F
- iptables -X
- ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT
- ip6tables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- ip6tables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- ip6tables -F
- ip6tables -X
- # reset ufw rules
- ufw reset
- ufw disable
- # first enable logging for psad
- ufw logging off
- #iptables -A INPUT -j LOG --log-tcp-options --log-prefix "[IPTABLES] "
- #iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG --log-tcp-options --log-prefix "[IPTABLES] "
- #ip6tables -A INPUT -j LOG --log-tcp-options --log-prefix "[IPTABLES] "
- #ip6tables -A FORWARD -j LOG --log-tcp-options --log-prefix "[IPTABLES] "
- # SSH
- ufw allow ssh/tcp
- #ufw limit ssh/tcp # Disable this if you transfer files e.g. using rsync
- # Services
- ufw allow submission/tcp
- ufw allow urd/tcp
- ufw allow smtp/tcp
- ufw allow ftp/tcp
- ufw allow ftp-data/tcp
- ufw allow ftps/tcp
- ufw allow ftps-data/tcp
- ufw allow imaps/tcp
- #ufw allow pop3s/tcp # pop3 is no longer supported for me due to non ssl connection
- #ufw allow imap2/tcp # imap without ssl is no longer supported for me due to non ssl connection
- #ufw allow 4190/tcp # managedsieve port e.g. to use it with thunderbird plugin
- ufw allow http/tcp
- ufw allow https/tcp
- #ufw limit ftps/tcp
- #ufw limit ftp/tcp
- # I-MSCP
- ufw allow 4443/tcp
- #ufw allow http-alt/tcp # port 8080 is no longer supported for me
- # Webmin
- #ufw allow 10000/tcp
- # Teamspeak
- #ufw allow 9987/udp
- #ufw allow 30033/tcp
- #ufw allow 10011/tcp
- #ufw allow 41144/tcp
- # Whitelist addresses
- #ufw allow from # whitelist ipv4 address
- #ufw allow from 1234:1234:1234:1234:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF/128 # whitelist ipv6 address
- # securely enable firewall
- ufw enable
- echo 'UFW enabled'
- echo 'if you can read this press ctrl+c - if not firewall gets disabled in 60 seconds'
- echo 'if you can read this press ctrl+c - if not firewall gets disabled in 60 seconds'
- echo 'if you can read this press ctrl+c - if not firewall gets disabled in 60 seconds'
- sleep 60
- # Disable again
- iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
- iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- iptables -F
- iptables -X
- ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT
- ip6tables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- ip6tables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- ip6tables -F
- ip6tables -X
- # disable ufw
- ufw disable