Thanks for information, I will post my results after upgrade.
Hi, I would like to inform, everythink worked fine!
Thanks for information, I will post my results after upgrade.
Hi, I would like to inform, everythink worked fine!
thanks for answer.
I'm on latest imscp version already, i thought and errata are only to apply if imscp will be updated/upgraded.
I will do a backup of complete system, so /var/www/virtual and /var/mail/virtual are inlcuded.
Do I have todo something after upgrade after distro upgrade, like
I'm planing to upgrade my system from Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
My installed imscp is the latest version (1.5.3-2018120800)
Does anyone had some experience already with upgrading the distro and imscp?
Are there any specials?
I think this is not the fully part? - PHP Scripts can access to the IP address with global variable $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], so we cannot ensure, that Plugins (Wordpress,...) getting the ip address and stores this wherever.
I get this message if I want to install certificate from - Before startssl I used always letsencrypt certs and that works without any problem.
At "Intermediate" Certificate, I copied the whole root_bunde.crt but still this message
Can anyone help?
ok does not work...
Quote from Live Support StartComDisplay More
if you will install the intermediate certificate it will not help you.
At the moment our certificates are not trusted.
the moment we have an interim solution only for our Class 3 and 4
clients and are searching for a solution for Class 2. Unfortunately we
din`t have anything for Class 1 (free certificates) and I man not sure
that will have something in the near future.
want to update imscp to the latest version.
Actually I have running Version 1.4.0, at the upgrade process descriptions, there is a note to read the errata files.
So do I have to Upgrade from 1.4.0 every minor releases? (1.4.1,1.4.2,1.4.3,...) or do I can an update to 1.5.1 and only read the errata for 1.5.0 and 1.5.1
Thank you!
I have no reason to buy phpswitcher for 32€ because for one site... There should be another solution...
as default, php7 will be installed via apt-get, so imscp is running on php7. But how I can change (a single domain) to version 5.6.x? - I tried phpbrew, build my own php-cgi, but I have troubles to bind it to a VirtualHost. (because I think php7-fpm is here the problem)
I tried this:…stalled-and-switch-easily
So I added this to the file: /etc/apache2/imscp/mydomain.tld.conf
Has anyone tips for me, how to get it running? - Another option would be running php5.6.x system wide (I dont prefer).
Thank you!
thank you! - I was confused because I thought this bug has been pached already.
Many thx.