I love you.
Every girl tells me the same
I love you.
Every girl tells me the same
Well, in effect there have been some changes in MariaDB repo since last year. You have to change a couple of things in order to upgrade to MariaDB 10.2 from MariaDB 10.1 on Debian Stretch.
1. Before proceding, make sure you have your MariaDB root password
2. Remove the package pinning for libmariadbclient18 from /etc/apt/preferences.d/imscp
3. cd to your imscp setup directory: /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.3-2018120800
4. Edit autoinstaller/Packages/debian-stretch.xml and change in the section "mariadb_10.2" -> <package>libmariadbclient18</package> from the package pin
Then you should be able to run perl imscp-autoinstall -dr sql
Edit: Step 2 corrected from libmysqlclient18 to libmariadbclient18
I think that based on what you log says, you'll find the solution here: https://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php?id=plugins:letsencrypt
Debian 9 !
Debian 10 not supported yet...
Just a little follow up about this problem.
just regenerates the pool.d conf files for the sites that aren't using the default system php version.
In order to regenerate the default php version site's conf files, I had to switch to another version and then back to the default (for every single site) through Web UI.
Or if you prefer, you can install ARM version of debian from here: https://cdimage.debian.org/cdi…-9.11.0-arm64-netinst.iso in the classic way, with CD/USB Boot.
I don't know if it will work or if you need some modified Kernel… Never tried...
Because you installed Raspbian and not Debian
Use this one: https://people.debian.org/~gwo…i-3_buster_PREVIEW.img.xz
It's Debian Buster… So you need i-MSCP from git
Sorry, I didn't specify. The php versions I'm running are those provided by sury.org.
Thank you Nuxwin for checking that out when you've time. It's not blocking, I know how to fix...
Hello guys,
since some days I've successfully installed the last version of PhpSwitcher. It works, everything is ok except when:
- I run apt upgrade
- I run apt install xxx
- I run apt remove xxx
Every time I fire one of the listed actions, in order to have the sites working again I must execute:
When launching the Request Manager, the configuration files inside the pool.d directories are regenerated and the fpm services restarted.
Before launching the Request Manager, in every pool.d directory the only present file il www.conf
The system:
- Debian 9 x64, i-MSCP 1.5.3-2018120800, Dovecot, php-fpm (7.0 as default), proftpd, MariaDB 10.1
- Plugins: ClamAV, LetsENcrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PostScreen, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, WHMCS (all latest versions)
If you need any further informations, please feel free to ask.
Thank you,
bye Kess