Posts by Nuxwin

    what do you think is the simplest way to make it so that it is enabled for all domains? i think this should be default behavior. if they should not have aliases, their hosting package should already be set. if they are allowed more aliases, they should activate automatically.

    Approval for domain aliases is not based on the fact that an user can or not add them. It's about security issues. The current version is OK. Next version will allow to setup domain accounts for which approval is not needed via the plugin interface directly.

    Migration done.

    For the record, migration was done as follow:

    1. I've disabled all thanks plugins
    2. I've executed that SQL query:

    1. INSERT INTO `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` (`pid`,`uid`,`puid`,`dateline`) SELECT `pid`, `adduid`, `uid`, `time` FROM `mybb_thx`;

    3. I've re-enabled new thanks plugin
    4. I've updated thanks like stats via admin interface

    That all.

    Edit: Duplicate entries from old plugin were removed.

    Query to find duplicates entries:

    1. SELECT `tlid`FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`WHERE `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`tlid` IN-- List 1 - all rows that have duplicates(SELECT `t1`.`tlid`FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` AS `t1`WHERE EXISTS (SELECT `pid`, `uid`, `puid`, COUNT(`tlid`)FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`WHERE `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid` = `t1`.`pid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid` = `t1`.`uid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid` = `t1`.`puid`GROUP BY `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid`HAVING COUNT(`mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`tlid`) > 1))AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`tlid` NOT IN-- List 2 - one row from each set of duplicate(SELECT MIN(`pid`)FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` AS `t1`WHERE EXISTS (SELECT `pid`, `uid`, `puid`, COUNT(`tlid`)FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`WHERE `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid` = `t1`.`pid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid` = `t1`.`uid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid` = `t1`.`puid`GROUP BY `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid`HAVING COUNT(`mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid`) > 1)GROUP BY `pid`, `uid`, `puid`);

    And then

    1. DELETE FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` WHERE `tlid` IN(<LIST_OF_IDS_FROM_PREVIOUS_QUERY>)

    Edit: Also deleted wrong entrie resulting of bad accounts merging (auto thanks)

    1. DELETE FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` WHERE `uid` = `puid`

    You must run that command as root. Yes, it's normally correct. I've not tested the plugin against the current stable. I've developed for master. I'll check if it work for the stable now.