Posts by Nuxwin

    Hello ;

    The postgrey delay is set to 300 seconds by default. You can change this delay by editing the /etc/default/postgrey file and changing the line:

    1. POSTGREY_OPTS="--inet=10023"


    1. POSTGREY_OPTS="--inet=10023 --delay=60"

    It's an example.

    Of course, don't forgot to restart the Postgrey daemon.

    Note: The delay here is the one set for the i-MSCP mail server but that don't mean that a remote server will retry just after this delay. It's for that reason that you cannot really rely on the delay parameter.

    In next release, it will be possible to disable Postgrey.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.

    Hello ;

    I'll try an install with this ubuntu version this night. It's package dependencies problem.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.

    Hello ;

    It's not a one-man project. ;) You cannot imagine the works done behind the scene by all the team. Without all the people that work with me (Torsten, Courier, Denully and so on), this project cannot exist.. You only look at the development part of i-MSCP but a big work is done for release process, the site, the forum and also for marketing.


    How to disable the link "alternative Website Url".

    It do not make sence if the DNS Server will not be managed by I-MSCP.

    So how to hide or remove it from the costumer site?

    Hello ;

    For now you cannot but I'll fix in next release if you open a ticket.

    Thank for using i-MSCP.