Please, upgrade to latest i-MSCP version, then to latest letsencrypt plugin version.
Posts by Nuxwin
So, I confirm that there is no problem.
On… there are a link to force check without caching result:
These results were cached from July 9, 2018, 1:50 pm PST to conserve server resources.
If you are diagnosing a certificate installation problem, you can get uncached results by clicking here.Once done, you get the expected result:
This is confirmed by my browser
Thanks for youre instructions.
The SSL Shopper (and my browser) give the end date: July 19, 2018
The actual certificate in /etc/letsencrypt says: Oct 7 21:00:08 2018 GMT
Somehow the certificate is not used for apache, even when I restart apache.
Well, send me all access data through my email, then I'll investigate. Don't forget to give me the domain name involved too...
Otherwise you have to wait for Nuxwin
No way... You don't imagine how that user is... No brain...
Bonjour à tous. Je rammene un problème très récurent pour certains.
Pas si récurrent que cela... Le fait est qu'il faut chercher un peu...
J'ai vu sur un autre post de tenter de modifier les params par l'administration pour le revendeur et ensuite le revendeur du client mais, les params ne sont pas changeable.
Cherche encore....
Thread closed.
The 1.6.x branch is under heavy development. You cannot use it ATM.
For the 1.5.x Serie, support for Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be added in the 1.5.4 version.
Next time, think a bit before acting.
Thread closed.
This doesn't help, also sslshopper decoder says the same, very strange.
The let's encrypt interface does say the date 3 months in advance...
Did you at least tried to restart Apache2 ... Please check the cert under /etc/letsencrypt with help of openssl: openssl x509 -noout -text -in <certpath>
Anyway, the issue here has nothing to do with the thread
I never tried the WP multisites feature yet so I need further details before answering. If I understand weel, with the WP multisite feature, you can have has many WP site such as:
So here, the WP multisite feature is based on the HOST request header, right? Please show us the full Apache vhost file for the domain name.