Posts by Nuxwin


    Will be part of i-MSCP version. Implementation almost finished ;) I'll do the announcement on my fb, as always. Thank you for the idea. That's much appreciated.

    Dear community,

    Due to the lack of community support for the free plugins, some of them will no longer be provided for free. At this time, the targeted plugins are the followings:

    • The ClamAV plugin, starting at version 2.0.0 (full rewrite, not released yet): It will be now made available for 17.00 €, including one year free updates.
    • The OpenDKIM plugin, starting at version 3.0.0 (full rewrite, not released yet): It will be now made available for 17.00 €, including one year free updates.
    • The RoundcubePlugins plugin, starting at version 3.0.0 (full rewrite, not released yet): It will be now made available for 23.00 €, including one year free updates.
    • The SpamAssassin plugin, starting at version 3.0.0 (full rewrite, not released yet): It will be now made available for 27.00 €, including one year free updates.

    Price for licenses renewal still to be determined with our partners.

    The plugins maintenance is really time consuming, and requires oustanding knowledges, depending on application domain. We cannot provide everything for free. As a reminder, i-MSCP core is fully free and our buisness plan is only based on plugins selling, online support, and outsourcing.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Facebook announcement:

    Good morning,

    He do not want this option because, as he said, he do not want to have to configure each subdomain through the control panel. I think that what he want is as follows:

    1. Create the domain.tld domain with the *.domain.tld wildcard entry option
    2. Create has many sites through wordpress, without having to deal with the control panel. I think that he want only give access to wordpress to its end-users.


    If I understood well, you want a new option that make possible to enable wildcard entry for the domains and subdomains. Basically put, when the option is checked on, the generated vhost, here for a domain, would looks as follows:

    1. <VirtualHost <ip>:80>
    2. ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.tld
    3. ServerName domain.tld
    4. ServerAlias www.domain.tld *.domain.tld
    5. DocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/htdocs"
    6. ...
    7. </VirtualHost>


    Of course, it should be easy to do that as long as you're not asking me to manage/detect possible conflicts between various vhosts. For instance, let's imagine the following scenario:

    One customer do the following:

    1. Create the domain.tld domain with the wildcard option enabled
    2. Create the sub.domain.tld

    Then this would produce the following vhosts:

    1. <VirtualHost <ip>:80>
    2. ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.tld
    3. ServerName domain.tld
    4. ServerAlias www.domain.tld *.domain.tld
    5. DocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/htdocs"
    6. ...
    7. </VirtualHost>

    1. <VirtualHost <ip>:80>
    2. ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.tld
    3. ServerName sub.domain.tld
    4. ServerAlias www.sub.domain.tld
    5. DocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/sub/htdocs"
    6. ...
    7. </VirtualHost>

    The problem here is that both vhost would collide. I don't remember if there is a precedence for apache when an alias entry such as *.domain.tld has been added in one vhost and that another vhost collides with it such as sub.domain.tld. The best thing would be that if there is a non-wildcard entry such as sub.domain.tld, that one take precedence over the *.domain.tld wildcard entry. The behavior need to be checked. As far as I known, precedence for apache2 is based on natural sorting rather than entry matching type. I need to check that. That why I say, I can implement that feature easily as long as you don't ask me to manage possible conflicts. My thinking is that a customer should be smart enough to not create any subdomain if the wildcard option is enabled for the parent domain.

    If you agreed, I can add that feature today, else, we need postpone...

    See also


    Thank you for your answer. Alright I'll wait for the update, is it safe to update I-MSCP from my current 1.5.1 version to the latest? To be honest, I've never had the courage to update it. :blush:

    Update to latest i-MSCP release shouldn't pose any problem but I would recommend you to wait for the next maintenance version which will be released in few days.


    SpamAssassin will not do that for you. SpamAssassin will only rewrite/add mail headers, nothing more. You need another layer to move SPAM in the Junk folder. Assuming that you're using Dovecot, you need to install sieve. Best would be to wait for next i-MSCP release in which sieve will be enabled by default, and the spams moved automatically into the Junk folder when those are flagged as SPAM, that is, when they contains the X-Spam-Flag header with value YES.


    Sorry for the delay. I was not at office for the last few days...

    The problem come from your /etc/default/spamass-milter configuration file which should look as follows:

    Once you've fixed the configuration file, don't forget to restart the spamass-milter service.