Posts by My1
does that mean it wont be in stretch, like ever, or just that it isnt at the starting phase of stretch?
if it's the first one, then WTF is going on there (especially since it's not even soft freeze yet, so new packages would still be possible).full freeze is feb5 so I guess that isnt even the releasedate yet...
even now PHP7.0 is over half of its primary support so when they are full freeze in feb they are pretty much already at 60% of the primary lifetime and it wouldnt be a stretch (pun intended) to say it will be out of at least the primary support when debian 10 comes.funfact, by the time jessie was released, php5.4 (whe debian had in wheezy) was already and and a half months before the end of security support, no joke. (jessie release 25th april 2015, php5.4 security EOL 3rd september 2015)
if php.56 hadnt additional support they would probably be in a similar state now. This is painful to watch...
Wait so with stretch being debian 9, that means php 7.1 won't be a thing until Debian 10? (by then it probably will be out of support)
What in hell are they doing?Well on a server without imscp the phpswitcher wont really help (i am on @DiamantThomy 's server so i know it a bit).
But probably dotdeb will help again.
They maybe even kick 7.1 into deb8 -
Well debian isn't really kept up to date anyway, php7 has to be pulled from dotdeb for example (and even they don't have 7.1)
I don't exactly use linux all day so i dont rly know all the stuff in there.
But why can only root add new hardware? In Windows it didnt aak me to set up anything, and even though i am technically an Admin, i set it in a way it needs uac with password for ANYTHING that wants permissions, so i should have gotten a prompt, but well i didnt. -
I don't think i misunderstood.
To summarize what i readWithout the rules only root can use them
To set up the rules, root is needed
So one way or another, root is needed at least once to use u2f -
lolwhat they cant run u2f sticks without root access (I guess the udev rules have to be added as root)
oh okay, lol.
okay, normally you wouldnt expect that each line gets its own quotes, but rather all in one string.