Posts by UncleSam

    Thx for your help. At the momenta I have no clue what happened. All I can say is, that every ssl connection is revoked with the message "unable to get issuer certificate".

    I would appreciate any help but all in all it has nothing to do with I-Mscp.

    Additional information so far:

    - openssl is fine

    - /etc/ssl/certs is fine

    If I try to connect to ssl it tells me the error every time. But if I specify /etc/ssl/certs as CApath it is working fine ... seems like a default path is broken ... I hope to find where to set it again.

    First of all I am sorry I have Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (up2date) not 18.04 as mentioned in my first post. I tried to download the new package and it told me it can not validate the ssl certificate from github ... so it seems a general problem.

    I am checking my environment today evening - at the moment I think this is a non I-MSCP related problem.


    I have a problem using the LetsEncrypt plugin. It seems like, that Ubuntu 18.04 is not able to issue or renew certificates. All I get in the UI is:

    SSL certificate is not valid: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
    error 2 at 1 depth lookup:unable to get issuer certificate

    Even if I want to check the certificate agains the chain I get the same error:

    root@ /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld # openssl verify -untrusted chain.pem cert.pem

    cert.pem: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3

    error 20 at 1 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

    I have no idea what happened - can someone help me please?

    OS: Ubuntu 16.04 (up2date) - (not 18.04)

    I-MSCP: 1.5.3 Build 20180516

    LetsEncrypt: 3.5.0

    Yes that is what I want, but I was not aware that someone could configure something like a loop like that... This is a nice to have feature which would be great if you need to add a lot of aliases. But please do not spend too much time on it. I thought it is something you could do in 10 minutes or something like that.

    Ok I tried what you said:

    - Changed my mail account from mail to mail+forward

    - Added onw forward address to the list called testaddress@domain.tld

    - Send a mail to testaddress@domain.tld

    - Got error (User unknown in virtual mailbox table)

    This is not a critical wish or something like that. I just wanted to know if I want to add 10 alias which should all be collected in one mail account if I need to add 10 email forward entries or if there could be something like a textbox at the user mail address like "aliases" where I can define all mail addresses which are going to be delivered in this account.

    Added APCu version 5.1.15

    Thx Speedy , I updated the main post.

    Hi there,

    at the moment you can add one e-mail address only. But it would be great to be able to add as much sub mail addresses as possible - only for receiving.

    e.g. I add user@domain.tld

    and also add:



    Found some time to do a new config file example. Uploaded it in the main thread. For me it seems to work but currently I am not sure if it is configured correct.

    If you familiar with rspamd please feel free to contact me if you have a better way/solution/...