Ja - auf der HP ist aber zur Zeit jetzt ein anderer TS3 verlinkt
Aber die Adresse ist gleich mit den standartport
<20:56:52> Versuche zum Server auf bigone1.net zu verbinden
<20:56:57> Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen
mehr kommt net
Log com Clienten:
15.10.2017 18:58:10Info TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.1.6 (2017-08-16 08:59:43)
15.10.2017 18:58:10Info SystemInformation: Windows 10 (15063) x64 (AMD or Intel) Binary: 64bit
15.10.2017 18:58:10Info Using hardware aes
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Direct Sound Debug setting timer resolution to 1ms -
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ClientUI Info OpenGL Info: LibGLES, Vendor: Google Inc., Renderer: ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0), Version: OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE 2.1.99f075dade7c)
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ZipArchive Info zip open: C:\Users\Fiesi\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\gfx\DarkenTS error: -1000
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ZipArchive Info Failed to load C:/Users/Fiesi/AppData/Roaming/TS3Client/gfx/countries.zip, falling back to C:/Program Files/TeamSpeak 3 Client/gfx/countries.zip
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Addons Info Checking for addon updates...
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: ts3_overlay_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Api version is not compatible for plugin: C:\Users\Fiesi\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\plugins\ts3_overlay_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: teamspeak_control_plugin_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ControlPlugin Info Control Plugin started, accepting connections
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: ts3g15_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: gamepad_joystick_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Gamepad Plugin Info Found client raw input wnd proc
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Gamepad Plugin Info Cleared device list
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: gkey_plugin_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: chatlogs_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Addon Info Addon up to date.
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Addon Info Addon up to date.
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Plugins Info Loading plugin: clientquery_plugin_win64.dll
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Query Info listening on
15.10.2017 18:58:10Info *** Time [PLUGINS]: 235
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Addon Info Addon up to date.
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - enter - DeviceDeleteList
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - leave - DeviceDeleteList
15.10.2017 18:58:10 Addon Info Addon up to date.
15.10.2017 18:58:10Info *** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 520
15.10.2017 18:58:10Info *** Time [INIT]: 520
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ClientUI Devel Notifications init: Soundpack path: C:/Program Files/TeamSpeak 3 Client/sound\default
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ClientUI Info Qt version: 5.6.2
15.10.2017 18:58:10 ClientUI Info Using configuration location: C:\Users\Fiesi\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\settings.db
15.10.2017 18:58:11 ClientUI Info Last update check was: So Okt 15 01:08:58 2017
15.10.2017 18:58:11Info Statistics report: User previously denied participation
15.10.2017 18:58:11 Bookmarks Info Collecting autoconnect bookmarks
15.10.2017 18:58:11 Newsticker Info Newsticker next check: So Okt 15 21:26:39 2017
15.10.2017 18:58:13 ClientUI Info Connect to server: bigone1.net
15.10.2017 18:58:13 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve bigone1.net
15.10.2017 18:58:13 TSDNS Info A/AAAA DNS resolve successful, "bigone1.net" =(h: p:0)
15.10.2017 18:58:13 TSDNS Info A/AAAA DNS resolve for possible TSDNS successful, "bigone1.net" =(h: p:0)
15.10.2017 18:58:13 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful, "_tsdns._tcp.bigone1.net" DNS server returned answer with no data
15.10.2017 18:58:13 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful, "_ts3._udp.bigone1.net" DNS server returned answer with no data
15.10.2017 18:58:14 TSDNS Info TSDNS queried unsuccessfully
15.10.2017 18:58:14 TSDNS Info No TSDNS found
15.10.2017 18:58:14 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: ip= port=9987 query=bigone1.net error=0
15.10.2017 18:58:14 ClientUI Info Resolve successful:
15.10.2017 18:58:14 ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - enter - DeviceDeleteList
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - leave - DeviceDeleteList
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-enter - {}.{f808856f-13f0-4c95-b3f0-0b64f2d1061f}
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel Mix Format: SRate:44100 Bitrate: 32 Channels: 2 - Lautsprecher (USB Audio CODEC )
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel Initializing with mix format. - Lautsprecher (USB Audio CODEC )
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Info Initialized with 2 channels in 32bit, 44.1kHz. - Lautsprecher (USB Audio CODEC )
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel WAS Buffer size: 970 - Lautsprecher (USB Audio CODEC )
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-leave - {}.{f808856f-13f0-4c95-b3f0-0b64f2d1061f}
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-enter - {}.{f808856f-13f0-4c95-b3f0-0b64f2d1061f}
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-leave - {}.{f808856f-13f0-4c95-b3f0-0b64f2d1061f}
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - enter - DeviceDeleteList
15.10.2017 18:58:14 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - leave - DeviceDeleteList
15.10.2017 18:58:14 PreProSpeex Info Speex version: speex-1.2beta3
15.10.2017 18:58:14 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
15.10.2017 18:58:19 ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected
15.10.2017 18:58:19 ClientUI Info Failed to connect to server, want autoreconnect = 0