Posts by fluser

    Nein, für den jeden Kunden gibt es eine andere vu200x

    Was gibt folgendes aus:
    ls -al /var/www/virtual/ | awk {'print $1,$2,$3'}

    Und einen Ausschnitt von:
    egrep vu[0-9]+ /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*.conf

    Da stimmt was mit der UID und GID nicht:

    target uid/gid (1002/1002) mismatch with directory (2004/2004) or program (2004/2004)

    Owner und Gruppe kontrollieren des Ordners und mit welchem Owner/Gruppe der fcgi-Prozess gestartet wird.

    Aktuelle Logfiles findest du hier: /var/log/apache2/domain.tld-combined.log
    Die anderen Logfiles werden, wie Ninos geschrieben hat alle 24 Stunden in den Kunden-Ordner generiert.

    Just to know... Ubuntu Quantal is still under developement. And if you want to have an unstable system, so try Ubuntu Quantal with i-mscp but I won't give you to know, where to edit the files of i-mscp. The reason is simple: If you have enough skills to work with an unstable linux, you will have enough skills to find out in 2 minutes where to edit the config files.

    i-mscp is at the moment not supporting quantal. Please use precise, because it is the stable version of ubuntu and supported by i-mscp.

    I hope you understand my thinking.

    Best Regards
    BTW: Ubuntu Precise is much better than Quantal, because it has long term support ;)

    Ahhh! I had the same problem a few months a go. Google with this error message. The first or second search entry includes the solution. You can make the request size bigger and it will work. Is a param you need to set in the fcgi configuration. I'm sorry that I can't publish the requested solution. I'm online with mobile device online... And have no access to the server
    What about the performance of owncloud? Is it slow on your computer? I saw that many Scripts need a long time to run on the client (about 14 seconds). The server pushes the data within a few miliseconds... So to display the full site takes about 15 seconds (messured with bugzilla)

    Yes, the problem is your execution time. For a very big upload you need to change max_input_time and max_execution_time

    After that, kill all Apache2 processes of the users, because they are "hanging".

    This information wasn't given at the beginning of your thread. This would be very helpful for helping debugging.
    "After 100MB upload same procedure. Again and again and again."

    The solution is not to give up. Maybe we have now the problem and can be developed into current version.
