Please provide us more information about your network, what filezilla tells you and so on...
Posts by fluser
Munin is very easy installed to show nice graphs (like in your link). For live-triggering of events and problems I would suggest nagios or icinga.
Have a look at nagios, icinga, or similar to it. My favorite is icinga.
Es gibt keinen kompatibilitäts-Modus bei PHP. Google liefert zur Suche übrigens diesen Treffer, der dir sicherlich weiterhilft:…php-5-compatibility-mode/
It has more features. Maybe I make a try and make a howto
Hmmm... Ich hoffe, ich habe die richtige Wortwahl getroffen. Gibt es da auch einen Review Prozess?
Bevor ich da wieder ins Fettnäpfchen trete...
Wie geht man bei Transifex vor? Macht man da zuerst Vorschläge oder kann ich da direkt übersetzen?
Als Beispiel:
External mail server entries scheduled for modification.
Externe Mailserver Einträge zum ändern vorgemerkt.External mail server entries successfully scheduled for addition.
Externe Mailserver Einträge zum hinzufügen vorgemerkt.External mail server entries successfully scheduled for deletion.
Externe Mailserver Einträge für löschen vorgemerkt. -
Hehe, I didn't merge it into current master;)
And here is the detail: top:
fluser merged 0 commits into i-MSCP:master from fluser:master about 21 hours agoI do something some magic (physically) but I'm not a magician Don't worry, I don't have direct access to github. I only can make pull requests and in most of the time goover authorized it.
BTW: I would thank you both for your fast feedback. I didn't know about transifex and how to handle it. Now I know it:D
Maybe a wiki page with how some special things are managed or handled would be nice. But this isn't a must have. It's only for some stupid people like me who would like to help in very small improvements/corrections but don't have enougth knowledge about how you manage some things;) -
You can always rewert your changes in your own fork or close a pull request without merging;-)
Or StartSSL covers for example: