Posts by kurgans

    Pero la tienes bien configurada en la interfaz

    ... si le haces un ping externo ¿ Te responde ????

    ... si responde ... mira en la gestion de ips del panel ..

    P.d: Siempres tienes la oportunidad de reconfigurar la ips... o el propio panel que lo detecte en la nueva regeneracion


    No ... pon esto al final del archivo interfaces

    justo debajo de

    pre-down /sbin/ip -family inet6 route del 2001:41d0:2:4aff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0

    Asumo que tienes un maquina fisica

    Tal cual esta

    auto eth0:1
    iface eth0:1 inet static
    address tuipfail
    broadcast tuipfail

    Y luego haz un
    ifdown eth0:1
    ifup eth0:1

    y ya la tienes lista


    @Puntonetsvb debes de conocer el protocolo de ovh, como te comentan

    A) Si dispones una maquina fisica debes agregar la ip a tus interfaces de red y activarla ifup eth0:1 por ejemplo si la pones por ahi (eth0:1)

    B) Si dispones de una maquina virtual debes detener la maquina y agregarla como hardware la segunda interface de red
    ... crear una direccion mac para poder usarla..
    y luego incluirla en tu interfaces como si fuera una maquina fisica.

    Es el resumen mas o menos de los ultimos post.

    El solo echo de poner la ip en el panel .., no es suficiente para su uso.


    Eso es algo que debes mirar en las interfaces de red de tu sistema.
    El ponerla en el panel ... si no esta en tu sistema ... es como si no tuvieras nada...


    Good morning Bene ... thank you very much for your interest, sorry the delay was outside, enjoying a little summer with the family

    Sorry for my english ... I only use a google translate.

    I have tried several things reading some forums but none of them have been effective in order to expand the 2000 that I need
    I have changed values

    Ulimit -n 10000

    I have changed values in


    I have modified values on mysql in your configuration file forcing the new values on the parameter

    Open-files-limit = 2000

    But I have not been able to get all the data at once .., so far I have worked with workbench to get sql ...
    But with the script that makes our backup in the panel does not leave the whole copy,
    More or less is a small summary

    output --- >

    mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Open_files';
    | Variable_name | Value |
    | Open_files | 442 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'Open_files_limit';
    | Variable_name | Value |
    | open_files_limit | 1024 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    Good afternoon everyone ... as the open thread says, some of you have been forced to increase this parameter to make a dump of a very large database ....

    Server version: 5.5.54-0 + deb8u1 (Debian)

    It would be good any help, to be able to skip this limitation .. I have already tried all the forums that I have read and changed ... but I did not manage to increase the paramenter to copy a database

    Ufff, that mistake for my part not to think about it, this little vps takes a lot of time online, and already many debian updates

    Certainly did not think, on the reboot before starting the update, and having no problems starting it in 1.4.6,

    ... is something that I did not think, and that I already learned for another occasion

    Thank you so much for everything
    Always a pleasure to follow

    good morning to all.... Excuse me, my bad English

    This morning I updated an old panel from version 1.2.11 to 1.4.6, had not yet received the new version 1.4.7

    Little you received received the one actaulizacion to the version 1.4.7, I have proceeded to update again the panel of the version 1.4.6 to the version 1.4.7

    The update did not complete successfully

    1. [ERROR] iMSCP :: Stepper :: _ callback: Could not restart the `imscp_traffic 'service: iMSCP :: Provider :: Service :: Sysvinit :: _ exec: Job for imscp_traffic.service failed. See 'systemctl status imscp_traffic.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details. At /root/panel/imscp-1.4.7/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 227.
    2. -bash: [ERROR]: The command was not found

    I have put back the version 1.4.6 and it works again correctly

    Debian Jessie Version
    LetsEncrypt 3.3.0
    OpenDKIM 1.2.0
    PanelRedirect 1.2.0