Naja, ehrlich gesagt gefällt mir das standart wesendlich besser in der 3.5.x reihe. Mal schauen, evtl füge ich das Logo noch in das Standart ein
Posts by gOOvER
Please open a Ticket. Sounds like a Bug
Ich hab auch das default Theme
Habe hier noch etwas gefunden was nicht so ganz passt.Das mit "wartet" bei der IP-Adress sollte wohl eher gesperrt oder sowas heißen ?
"Gesendet" sollte "Absenden" heißen ?!Screenshoot hängt dabei.
Greez BeNe
Noch etwas gefunden...
"niicht" mit zwei "i" (siehe Screenshoot)Greez BeNe
Jeder kann die gerne anpassen, wenn etwas nicht passt
Please open a Ticket. It's better as reminder
is there work in progress?any idea when it will be usable?
would be nice to have some more overall-informations. not about to stress anyone but communication to the users is allways welcome i think.
thank you...have a nice day
I changed status at the Header
Master Branch is Useble. But as every Master: Use it on your own risk.
It runs in my Server, without any Problems
Weil das alte Backup immer gelöscht wird. Also ist das Datum nicht so wichtig, wenn eh jedesmal nur eine Version vorhanden ist
I think yes; why WHMCS host at hostGator? because they are really cheap. WHMCS is, as every other Server Admin, Responsible for what happend on their servers. And as it seems: Security is not at first prio at their Servers. You see it at the Point: Store ALL CC Data's
We will see what happend.
For me, my trust in WHMCS is gone. They have to do a lot to get this back
Hi all, while looking for the error on certificates, I just found this thread (after looking at the wiki).
I fixed the issue in antoher (simpler way), you just need to paste the intermediate cert in the proper field. The certificate authority already gives you this when buying a certificate.Code- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
- l6P7oeYLUF9QqjraD/w9KSRDxhApwfxVQHLuverfn7ZB9EhLyG7+T1cSi1v6kt1e
- 6K3z8Buxe037z/3R5fjj3Of1c3/fAUnPjFbBvTfjW761T4uL8NpPx+PdVUdp3/Jb
- ewdPPeWsIcHIHXro5/YPoar1b96oZU8QiZwD84l6pV4BcjPtqelaHnnzh8jfyMX8
- N8iamte4dsywPuf95lTq319SQXhZV63xEtZ/vNWfcNMFbPqjfWdY3SZiHTGSDHl5
- HI7PynvBZq+odEj7joLCniyZXHstXZu8W1eefDp6E63yoxhbK1kPzVw662gzxigd
- St2PAmU5/TUkhniRFjAwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUwHqYaI2J+6sFZAwRfap9ZbjKzE4w
- Lmdlb3RydXN0LmNvbS9jcmxzL2d0Z2xvYmFsLmNybDA0BggrBgEFBQcBAQQoMCYw
- /torAsMzvcjdSCIrYA+lAxD9d/jQ7ZZnT/3qRyBwVNypDFV+4ZYlitm12ldKvo2O
- SUNjpWxOJ4cl61tt/qJ/OCjgNqutOaWlYsS3XFgsql0BYKZiZ6PAx2Ij9OdsRu61
- 04BqIhPSLT90T+qvjF+0OJzbrs6vhB6m9jRRWXnT43XcvNfzc9+S7NIgWW+c+5X4
- knYYCnwPLKbK3opie9jzzl9ovY8+wXS7FXI6FoOpC+ZNmZzYV+yoAVHHb1c0XqtK
- LEL2TxyJeN4mTvVvk0wVaydWTQBUbHq3tw==
Had you already tried this? Shall I document this into the wiki?
I think, this would be great