It seems, that the whole Client DB, CPanel Files and Website files are now postet on Web.
WHMCS TEam also mean's, that not the Server was hacked. A Admin account was hacked at HostGator.
Matt involved the FBI now.
It seems, that the whole Client DB, CPanel Files and Website files are now postet on Web.
WHMCS TEam also mean's, that not the Server was hacked. A Admin account was hacked at HostGator.
Matt involved the FBI now.
As i said: every help is wellcome.
I only take the patch. Ok, i try to use it as standalone
Thank you
i don't test it atm, because my server running Master Version.
I wil se, how to add this to i-MSCP Installation.
i merged it in Master
To which Git Repro?
APS ist geplant, allerdings wird gerade mehr an der Multiserverfähigkeit gearbeitet.
Denke, das ist ein Bug Ich hab die alternative Domain bisher noch nicht benutzt Wäre Super, wenn Du ein Ticket im Bugtracker eröffnen könntest
Schau mal in dein Error.log, warum die weisse seite kommt. Wenn es deaktiviert wäer, würdest ein entsprechende meldung bekommen
Thank you for the Howto.
I will take a look inside. Maybe it's possible to add the Patch tp the installtion Process of i-MSCP. So user can choose during install or Upgrade, to enable nginx
On Wheezy we have: nginx 1.1.19-1