Posts by Athar

    Link in the first post: "" give: "The link you are trying to reach is no longer available or invalid."

    I think the correct link is this one: ""
    (As the forum has changed recently, I think this was the "old version link", just for information)

    Yeah right, I read your post then the first of this topic after and reply at the end... (yeah, I read it in "reverse mode", not the best way to do).

    I still run (for now) 1.1.0 (waiting some interresting plugin first which should be compatible with it, if not, I prefer to wait it still).
    The Traffic logs are, if I correctly remember, managed by the daemon and some parts run from Cron.

    Is the daemon running ? Did you check logs ? and verify the Cron jobs, that will not hurt.

    If your KS server didn't take the role of the DNS server, any changes you will made on the i-MSCP panel will serve to nothing !

    Only "namecheap" have the control of all DNS entry if I've correctly understand your post.

    Seems great, thanks, I will test that, with some little modification (Third DNS server, so I will modify the templates of i-mscp directly).

    Firstly, this is not the good section to post

    Secondly, send your source.list ; From my point of view, it seems that Debian didn't find an available package.

    The most parts of the issues you could get will be on migrating from server A to B.

    So the question is: Would you get these possible issue with ISPcp or i-MSCP?^^

    For example, you could get error on migrating from A to B ISPcp and then also get error when upgrading from ISPcp to i-MSCP. (BTW, you could get the same thing with the other solution.)

    This is a generic way to implement it (PHP related so).

    Just a little detail you missed: It exist two version of IonCube Loader, an x86 version for 32Bits systems, and an x86-64 for 64Bits system.
    Get the good one with your actual system if you don't want any issue^^