Posts by Athar

    Avis perso:

    - Pour le Dump SQL, si PhpMyAdmin est actif, une fois connecté dessus, on peux faire un export (avec pas mal d'options). L'intérêt ici serait d'économiser quoi, 4 clics ? ^^

    - Pour la sauvegarde du site par le client, si cette option venait a être approuver, cela devrait être désactivable dans la section admin. Pourquoi ? => Consommation énorme de CPU pour de gros sites web = ralentissement du serveur général.
    De plus, si le backup complet est actif pour le client, ce dernier dispose automatiquement de son backup une fois par jour :)
    (D'ailleurs, pas besoin de recoder tout le système, la fonction de backup étant déjà présente, il suffit juste d'ajouter la fonctionnalité, limité, aux clients)

    Encore une fois, ce n'est que mon avis perso.

    No problem TheCry, I have time and I can wait.

    I'm busy too at that time, that was why I was asking if you already start to look at it ;)

    Well, if Nuxwin can take a look, that would be great, but this isn't an High priority, IMO.

    Edit: hey Nexwin, you'll see, it's a good plugin (if we don't count this little issue I have, at least, on my installation). It do what we ask him to do (in a very very simple way) :)

    I'm wondering if I'll not include all ready to use CA bundle in i-MSCP and add a select box to let the user choose it according it certificate. This should not be so hard. Of course, optionally, the user will be able to push it own bundle.

    A standard i-MSCP list included from the installation process ? Or add the possibility to the admin and/or reseller to add a personnal list of those Intermediate Cert bundle ? (or maybe both)

    Well, for me, I was only need to create a bundle for Posftix when I was using a standard SSL cert.

    For the panel and/or any domain, you need:
    - The private key of your cert
    - The cert get from your reseller (I was using StartSSL for my older cert, now Gandi, but this is the same for all providers)
    - The Intermediate cert (which can be a bundle of different level, in theory, only the one which is on the cert level you own is needed).

    @fluser This isn't needed to create a bundle in that case, all is managed through the GUI of iMSCP (and in my memory, this isn't needed to during the install part of the panel, if you want to enable SSL with your own cert)

    Maybe you didn't enter the certificate correctlyn this is the only thing I saw so far.

    Which i-MSCP version did you use ? OS Version ?

    Hi and welcome here.

    For all section outside "International Area", english only first.

    After, like Rockplums, more details would be appreciated.

    What did you try to do ?

    Enable SSL for a customer ? for the panel ? something else ?

    Regarding ticket 1068, I open this thread about an issue involving the OpenDKIM Plugin.

    If you use the plugin, you can get this issue:
    Create two domains, for one of them activate the DKIM on it.
    Now, delete both domains and here is what you should get:

    For the domain that didn't get the DKIM enable on it (domain here is "testadm.test"):

    In DB, table "log" should have two entries regarding the adding part (if we search for the syntax of the domain)
    And for the files/folder list:

    This is the normal behavior expected.

    Now, for the domain which has the DKIM enable, in DB, table domain, it will remain in it.
    Also, files/folders will remain in place (domain here is "testresel.local"):


    Hope this is enough detailled :)

    Config files aren't cleaned too, like "/etc/bind/named.conf.local"

    // imscp [testresel.local] entry BEGIN
    zone "testresel.local" {
    type master;
    file "/var/cache/bind/testresel.local.db";
    allow-transfer { X.X.X.X; localhost; };
    notify yes;
    // imscp [testresel.local] entry ENDING

    Also in the file:
    "/etc/postfix/imscp/domains" ==> testresel.local vdmn_entry