Posts by Athar

    Ok, just a short update, PHP 5.6.0 working fine.

    Use same wiki instruction as PHP5.2 / 5.3 / 5.5 is fine (that the same for those three version in fact... so...)

    As this was my first time using PHPSwitcher, I take some screen of every PHPInfo of each major version (5.2 / 5.3 / 5.5 and 5.6 (5.4 is base install on Wheezy, default PHP option)).

    PHP 5.2.17:

    PHP 5.3.19:

    PHP 5.5.16:

    PHP 5.6.0:

    All are working good so far.

    I was just thinking of installing PhpSwitcher, well, with this new version, I installed it^^

    Compile of PHP5.6.0 is ok:

    1. php-5.6.0# /opt/php-fcgid/5.6/bin/php-cgi -v
    2. PHP 5.6.0 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Sep 6 2014 15:56:05)
    3. Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
    4. Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

    Added to PhpSwitcher, but not tested yet, no reason that this didn't work.

    sbeex: What I'll say here, it's just what I do, probably not the best way especially (nuxwin, don't hit/beat me xD) when you don't know how to manage all the services hold by i-MSCP.

    I modified a lot of configs files:
    - BIND Config options
    - BIND Zone files
    - Postfix Configs files ( and
    - ProFTPd Config file
    - One Pydio file to use the full TLS support on my specific conf of ProFTPd
    - Own template (base on default)

    At each update, I've two way to proceed:
    - Modify the new installer with my own modification (this is the way I do now) => Advantage here is I just have to run the installer, and all run fine (excepted for the Template (theme) and the Pydio modification)
    - Modify the templates in /etc/imscp and then re-run the clients config (but after a long time using this, not reliable and much longer to do)

    I'm waiting this plugin to avoid me to do such modification each time, but in the meantime, there is always another way to do, it only depend if you can "think" on how to achieve your purpose.

    sbeex: You must be patient.
    Anyways, if you are still under version 1.1.3, I'll suggest you to upgrade your version, because here is the actual requirement:null



    i-MSCP versions >= 1.1.14 (plugin API >= 0.2.11)

    I think the "1.1.14" in this requirement is the next release that should come "soon" (when it will be done^^), well, @Nuxwin will confirm it or not :p

    It's the easiest way for me :p

    After, I don't check his server... for now, we only saw an issue, if this is the only one, should be "fixable" (didn't know if that word exist in english, still), but my 6th sense tell me that the backend is worst.

    Let see how that will come, I hope for him that nothing else is broken. (I have to prepare my i-MSCP update also... but snapshot are here to help me too^^ (as my backup also, in case of snapshot failure))

    Upgrading a debian version isn't an easy task, futhermore when you have some software already in place than can be in conflict in the newer version.

    Like ninos, post your "sources.list" content there, just to check the mirrors you set, but if you messed-up with the upgrade, that could be hard (but not impossible*) to fix that now.

    * The easiest way will be to reinstall the server with latest version. If I remember, we can do a manual re-import of most of the data, like the migration process, maybe some customers password will be lost in that process, but at least, you'll get your server back and up-to-date.