Humm, after a quick search on the forum which took me like 1 minute:
phpSwitcher 5.0.3 installs - but compile of php 5.3.29 fails
I think this is what you are looking for.
Humm, after a quick search on the forum which took me like 1 minute:
phpSwitcher 5.0.3 installs - but compile of php 5.3.29 fails
I think this is what you are looking for.
1 - La balise de code est inversé dans le message... je ne pense pas que c'était le rendu prévu (la fonction "Preview" est utile avant de poster pour vérifier la mise en forme).
2 - Post en français, donc on poste dans la section approprié, l'espace en français donc... toutes les autres sections du forum c'est en anglais uniquement (ou la langue définie)
3 - Le post ne respecte pas les règles ==> Reporting rules - Reminder
Post déplacé dans la section "Internationale".
De plus, le post ne respecte pas les règles de rapport de bugs... merci d'édit le post initial avec TOUTES les informations, autrement aucune autre réponse ne sera apporté (et le sujet fermé).
Just in case, as I use PHPSwitcher (5.0.2) and also running on Debian 9.11:
I did have all installed on my system.
Latest build is 2018120800, you should update to this release which fix "a lot" of bugs.
Nous ne faisons du support que pour les clients à jour.
Dernière release i-MSCP : 1.5.3 (2018120800)
Après, pour moi, les erreurs sont liés à APT, pas i-MSCP, donc gestion du serveur Linux...
"The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED" ==> Des signatures de repository de mises à jour ne sont plus valides car les dates sont expirés, en gros...
Bref, pour moi, c'est pas un soucis direct avec i-MSCP.
So fast, thanks
Check that everyhing else is working as expected now (services, etc...).
Glad you got it fixed by your own so
I tried to switch to FPM, but sites were loading more slowly (or even failed to load at all), and didn't catch time to troubleshoot that one yet.
This is just a little functionnality which is failing there and we didn't have that much customers so, we could handle this for now, they can live with a 404 page (if they "even" look at it)
Get a look at it when you have some spare time, no emergency AT ALL
Hi everyone,
Special one for Nuxwin (or any other that would have the info):
On customer end, when you get in Domain ==> PHP Switcher, you have the ability to get the PHP Info for any enabled PHP Version.
When you select one, it open some kind of popin window, but in my case, this only lead to a 404 page
The URL of this specific page is :
But... I didn't find this file in that web folder "shared" : /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/PhpSwitcher/frontend/shared/phpinfo-static.php
Either there is a missing link, or there is a special config in NGinx (I didn't check that one yet).
What did I miss there ?
## i-MSCP version info
Version = 1.5.3
Build = 2018120800
CodeName = Ennio Morricone
PluginApi = 1.5.0
OS : Debian 9.11