Posts by m4rv1n00

    I can access and use IMSCP normally but I have a problem with rsync because of permission on /var/www/virtual/domain_disabled_pages. The permission is set in this way:
    dr-xr-x--- 3 root www-data 4096 set 29 03:23 domain_disabled_pages

    The other folder permission are ok with the user VU*** owning the folder.

    Is the permission and the owner of the folder domain_disabled_pages right?

    The content of the folder have also the same permission

    dr-xr-x--- 2 root www-data 4096 set 29 03:23 images
    -r--r----- 1 root www-data 3808 ott 5 13:05 index.html

    Thank you

    I also had same problem and solved as reported in other thread by @theemstra

    If you want to fix it quickly you can patch yourself:
    /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ at line 233

    Edit unless statement into if
    So that the line would read:

    return 0 if $self->{'ca_bundle_container_path'} eq '';

    Then regenerate the SSL certificate by going to the domain, choosing "Manage domain" and saving the cert again.

    Hi to all.
    Today, restore from backup, is working with a button in mode "all or nothing" , without progress bar, this mean that if domain owner try to restore only one database or only one subdomain, he can't, also he don't see progress in restore (this is important I think).
    If domain admin want to restore only one subdomain and it's database, he have to ask to admin or make single upload from ftp (slow).
    Is possible to deploy advanced function for a separated backup for each subdomain (it also request less resources for unzip) and additional separate button for separate restore so I can restore specific subdomain and/or specific database without restore full domain?
    I know, restore now is to no have error by customer on restore but I think admin can enable this function or only admin can use it.

    Yeah, it's only the warning but is false positive :)
    It's useful to have the warning if ther'is real problem, so instead of disable totally, maybe you can check which domain/email have to been checked for backup --> (for each domain/subdomain, if domain/subdomain have email check domain's email directory for backup).

    Can you say me something about the mail directory that have to not be present but still exist in /var/mail/virtual?
    I don't had canceled single mail but I had canceled domain or user, so maybe record of email are also present in database or email server's configuration (I don't know, I ask you).

    Thank you!

    after update from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 , I received an i-MSCP Error Report

    I know that I've not email in this subdomain, so I think is wrong to receive an error (I don't receive error before update).

    Also I go in directory /var/mail/virtual and I saw exist directory for deleted domain (different domain of a deleted user in imscp) and deleted subdomain (of an existant user and domain).

    Someone can help?
    Thank you!

    All files purged but no good news. During the setup, I monitored the situation with another shell and the folder /var/www/fcgi/master/* was deleted and recreated. The problem is that, during update, php-fcgi-starter is created instead php5-fcgi-starter, but the configuration of apache for FCGIWrapper remain the same and search for php5-fcgi-starter.
    Nuxwin, tell me what information you need and I will get for you.

    Hi, i've tried to update from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 but the update failed.
    In 1.2.2 I've the file /var/www/fcgi/master/php5-fcgi-starter matching the line of config file of apache "FCGIWrapper /var/www/fcgi/******/php5-fcgid-starter" ; with update to 1.2.3, the name of the file in /var/www/fcgi/master changed to php-fcgi-starter but the config file of apache don't.

    I see this is a modified by changelist "PACKAGES Renamed: Fcgid starter template to php-fcgi-starter (FrontEnd)" . Do I miss something?
    Thank you.