Yes, it is intercepted and blocked on forward with this
ProxyPassMatch ^/((?!(?:\.well-known|errors)/).*)
but after this only errors is redirect with this
Alias /errors/ /var/www/virtual/xxxxx/errors/
I added this
Alias /.well-known/ /var/www/virtual/xxxxx/sub/htdocs/.well-known/
<Directory /var/www/virtual/xxxxx/sub/htdocs/.well-known/>
Require all granted
to work
But this have to be made manually every time because of the scheleton.
How about inlude the generic alias "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" in the "installation"?
Because on how it is now, it intercept the call to the path but going in error if you don't have plugin.
I understand plugin is enanched but in this case it will never work without this additional configuration because it is wrongly forbidden by ProxyPassMatch by default