Is it a wildcard SSL certificate og a MDC, since there is a big difference between those two. And a MDC is very expensive, whereas Wildcard certificates are less expensive.
Posts by c0urier
Hi Nuxwin,Next issue. I am not sure if it is me or my brain that is the problem, but...
This is about SSL on customer/domain level. We have a Domain Wildcard Certificate and I made a new customer that is in the certificate domain range. I added the key and certificate (there is no password in this certificate) to the domain and it seems to work. But it comes out as untrusted.
Could you please explain exactly what/witch certificate that can be used and I would like your opinion about what is going wrong. Thanks
Are you sure there is no insecure content on the site, I mean images linking/loading from other places.
I'm using Wildcard and I haven't seen that issue if it's correctly installed, only if we have had a relation to another site or a wrongly installed certificate.Normally you can check what it tires to connected with ex. Chrome dev console. -
Have you created a new user? Wasn't you older user Danielpz, double users are not allowed, you were banned for bad behavior, you'll be able to rejoin in 2 weeks and 5 days.
If I am wrong, drop me a mail at c0urier [a]
I understand your ide. But still it would be nice to be able to iFrame a link of the hosting plan to a reseller promotion/webshop website. That way when changing something in a hosting plan it will automatically reflect on the reseller promotion/webshop website.Regarding WHMCS and Boxbilling... The problem here is that they probably do not supply the payment option of the Danish credit card "Dankort". And if we should do any kind of sale of hosting plans through a webshop, it would be absolut nessesary that it was possible to use "Dankort"!
I am looking forward to be able to use the hosting plan again.
I think all newly released Dankort's in Denmark are VISA certified, I might be wrong, but I can check up on it. And if your primary clients are business clients this shouldn't be a problem.
As goes for WHMCS, it has support for many gateways: should be possible integrating it with ex. DIBS etc. already have a WHMCS module for Dankort transactions: -
The first postgrey error is probably related to this? -
Moving this thread to the german off-topic section.
Just remove the line where it states it needs httpd.conf.
Nuxwin, you were 2 seconds faster then me, damit haha.
That's unfortunate to hear. I haven't done any testing on Ubuntu only Debian, so if you're going to test again and you receive an error please drop a line.
Have a great weekend.
Sent from my LG-E975 using Tapatalk 2
Jeg personligt fortrækker Debian og det ved jeg også de fleste team medlemmer gør. Ikke at der er noget galt med Ubuntu, det er fremragende system, men der er alligevel lidt forskel. Så smag og behag spiller en stor rolle her.
Det er fedt at andre gider at bruge kræfter på at fremme panelet, specielt oversættelser, da det ikke lige er den mest motiverende del. Jo flere sprog panelet findes på jo bredere vil det ramme, derfor er det super vigtig at det bliver oversat til flest mulig sprog.
Jeg ved ikke hvor meget erfaring du har med i-MSCP eller historier bag, men det er jo en fork af tidl. paneler hvor udviklingen er gået i stå (VHCS/ispCP). Det er vores mål ikke at lade dette ske igen, og jeg vil mene at det team vi har bag i-MSCP nok er det bedste og mest stabile, et af disse projekter endnu har set.Du skal være velkommen til at komme med forslag til panelet, det er lidt det i-MSCP bygger på, bruger input. Mange af de mest eftertragtet funktioner fra tidl. projekter er noget af det første der bliver implementeret her, det er forsat de funktioner vores brugere helst vil se.
Men fedt at i er hoppet med, jo mere bruger aktivitet jo bedre.
Ps: Stavefejlene er gratis ;).
Det kan jeg kun give dig ret i, det sker ikke så ofte.
Alt held og lykke med panelet, og super flot du gad at gennemgå oversættelsen. Du må sige til hvis du mener der er brug for et Dansk sproghjørne =).