Posts by Alex

    you can choose in installation from imscp if you want to control helo and other things, which will reject the mails ( spam mostly)
    it would be cool if it would be an option to switch it on or off
    i found nothing where i can do this
    is it possible to chioce this per domain?
    domaina wants all mails
    domain2 wants less spam and switched it off
    i found nothing, but maybe i´m blind

    Also eigentlich mag ich das selber nicht bei meinen eigenen Foren wenn da einer schreibt wie toll das doch alles ist. Aber ich denke es ist mal angebracht das Team einfach mal auf die Schulter zu klopfen und zu sagen :
    Danke schön, schön was ihr aus IMSCP gemacht habt
    Ich war damals Ispcp Anhänger wie so einige hier, aber es naja es ist halt tot
    Was ihr aber auf die Beine gestellt habt, ALLE Achtung!
    Ich habe dsa erstmal getestet ob das was für mich überhaupt ist, aber die Erwartungen wurden übertroffen, der Support ist auch klasse.

    Ich werde euch etwas erhalten bleiben und freue mich riesig, das es das Projekt gibt

    So jetzt genug geschleimt, ich bin grade meinen 11 Server am migrieren

    so the problem was...
    i have deleted the imscp.conf, then i wantet start the upload with the new one ( debug=1)
    ok, that was the problem
    i don´t upload the imscp.conf, i uploaded the ispcp.conf
    i´m sorry
    i saw it now and now it is in progress to install imscp and yes its really great.. and yes -the support is fantastic-
    5 stars

    Hmm second Server migrating :-)
    But there is an error when i tried to run the
    "perl imscp-migrate-from-ispcp" script start
    this is the output, unfortunatly no logs, debug is on..

    [ ERRORS ]

    iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Use of uninitialized value $lock in open at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 86.

    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!


    iMSCP::Boot::lock: Unable to open lock file!

    Can you help ne fixing this error?

    remove from db those orphan entry and all will work

    ok it was really much for a small server. only a few domains listed

    but everything i have set by step deleted and noww.. yes guys it works

    thank you

    in ispcp i thougt ok, but imscp ...its great

    really better

    how can i support?

    im really new here, but if you need help, let me know