Posts by Alex

    [ERROR] [Thu Mar 22 09:26:28 2012] iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 11, without coredump
    [DEBUG] [Thu Mar 22 09:26:28 2012] iMSCP::STDCapture::DESTROY: Finishing capture of *main::STDERR
    [DEBUG] [Thu Mar 22 09:26:28 2012] iMSCP::Dialog::Dialog::_execute: Returned text: [ [0;31mERROR[0m ] iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 11, without coredump
    [DEBUG] [Thu Mar 22 09:26:28 2012] iMSCP::Config::FETCH: Fetching LOG_DIR...
    [ERROR] [Thu Mar 22 09:26:28 2012] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    ok so now im here:
    i haved searched the forum but not found a solution

    i have downloaded the latest RC

    followed this_:

    and now i cant do anything.. ispcp and imscp dont work

    in the error log is:
    Table mail_users has records that have status different then ok: {
    Table domain has records that have status different then ok
    (domain status disabled..)
    and now i cant switch in pma to correct this..

    is there another way to finish the installation?
    also there are

    [DEBUG] [Thu Mar 22 09:26:26 2012] iMSCP::Execute::_execCaptureError: Execute /usr/bin/dialog --yes-label 'CONTINUE' --clear --backtitle 'iMSCP internet Multi Server Control Panel' --title 'Upgrade to iMSCP' --colors --no-label 'EXIT' --msgbox '
    \Z1\ZuispCP database records are corrupt!\Zn

    Please fix folowing:

    Table domain orphan entry: {

    "orphans errors

    can you please help me?