IMSCP Migration from ISPCP Error

  • Hmm second Server migrating :-)
    But there is an error when i tried to run the
    "perl imscp-migrate-from-ispcp" script start
    this is the output, unfortunatly no logs, debug is on..

    [ ERRORS ]

    iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Use of uninitialized value $lock in open at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 86.

    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!


    iMSCP::Boot::lock: Unable to open lock file!

    Can you help ne fixing this error?

  • Thats the problem...
    Normal there have to be a file imscp.lock or under ispcp a ispcp.lock...
    Small workarround...

    1. touch /var/run/imscp.lock && chmod 640 /var/run/imscp.lock

    better this too

    1. touch /var/run/ispcp.lock && chmod 640 /var/run/ispcp.lock

    Then the rights should be

    1. -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Mar 6 00:00 /var/run/imscp.lock

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • Do you have enough space on partition where lock is created? Is partition mounted as rw? Try edit configs/ubuntu/imscp.conf and change MR_LOCK_FILE = /var/run/imscp.lock in MR_LOCK_FILE = /tmp/imscp.lock

  • so the problem was...
    i have deleted the imscp.conf, then i wantet start the upload with the new one ( debug=1)
    ok, that was the problem
    i don´t upload the imscp.conf, i uploaded the ispcp.conf
    i´m sorry
    i saw it now and now it is in progress to install imscp and yes its really great.. and yes -the support is fantastic-
    5 stars