Posts by rr10111101


    I get this warning today. Can someone help me, please? I have 1.5.3 and debian 9.


    since yesterday I have this problem, when amavis-plugin is active. If I deactivate the plugin, everything works fine.

    I haven't changed anything, before it happen.

    1. WARNING: No clamd server appears to be available
    2. ERROR: Failed to initiate streaming/fdpassing

    Have someone the same error?

    Can someone help me?

    I have the latest i-mscp on debian.


    I have got a problem with the whitelist in spamassassin. I have whitelist entries in etc/spamassassin/ and shortcirciut USER_IN_WHITELIST on, but there is a User with his email in the whitelist and he is blocked from spamassassin.

    May I have to put the whitelistcode some where else?

    Imscp 1.5.3 Debian


    I have the problem, that spamassassin is blocked from some blacklists, for checking.

    1. SURBL_BLOCKED=0.001

    I tried this instruction.

    But it's still not working. The /etc/resolv.conf will be always reset. Spamassassin use always the original settings.

    Can someone help me, please?

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 on Debian