I fixed it myself by renaming
to the domain that hosts the glue-records.
Anyway. Thank you
I fixed it myself by renaming
to the domain that hosts the glue-records.
Anyway. Thank you
imscp 1.4.x, debian8
i use imscp as a "hidden master" for 4 slaves. I put the slaves dns hosts into
and made a cronjob to scp the named.conf files to the slaves. This all works fine.
Now i added one of the domains that hosts glue-records itself and i get this error:
when I delete the 2 nameservers from 10_named_global_ns.pl, imscp-autoinstall works but the 2 NS-Records disapeares in all zonefiles.
Any hint ?
kind regards
happpend to all normal uservhosts after installing a new LE-cert.
everything else is fine ...
I can reproduce the same on another installation...