LetsEncrypt plugin - The Apache2 AWStats configuration goes away when issuing a new SSL certificate

  • Hola,

    i-MSCP 1.4.6, Debian-8,

    after installing new Let's Encrypt certs the /stats part in the apache config is gone...
    happen since yesterday with the LE 3.3.0 update....

    best wisches...

  • after installing new Let's Encrypt certs the /stats part in the apache config is gone...
    happen since yesterday with the LE 3.3.0 update....

    Which vhost exactly? Show us the full vhost content and please say us if the domain for that vhost is the same as either the control panel domain name or system hostname.



  • happpend to all normal uservhosts after installing a new LE-cert.

    1. # diff /var/tmp/vege-sack.de.conf.yesterday ../sites-available/vege-sack.de.conf
    2. 34,39d33
    3. < <Location /stats>
    4. < ProxyErrorOverride On
    5. < ProxyPreserveHost Off
    6. < ProxyPass retry=1 acquire=3000 timeout=600 Keepalive=On
    7. < ProxyPassReverse
    8. < </Location>
    9. 42d35
    10. <

    everything else is fine ...
    I can reproduce the same on another installation...

    Edited once, last by vege.net ().

  • @vege.net

    Bug confirmed. I can reproduce it as follows:

    • Fresh installation of LetsEncrypt plugin
    • New SSL certificate issuance

    Result: Apache2 configuration snippet for AWStats goes away.

    I'll investigate and fix.


  • @vege.net

    The bug is in i-MSCP core ;)

    The i-MSCP Awstats package is registering an event listener which listen on the afterHttpdBuildConf event to inject the configuration. However, the event listener is registered too late and thus, it is not called.

    The issue will be fixed in i-MSCP 1.4.7.


  • @vege.net

    A fix has been added in our development branch. See

    This fix will be part of next release.

    With this fix, the event listener is registered early and the AWStats configuration snippet is added correctly into the Apache2 vhost on domain change:

    Thank you for your report.
    Thread closed.
