A new problem occured - the installation did not run to the end.
See the pictures.
I'll look at the logs and if it's neceserry help is appreciated....
A new problem occured - the installation did not run to the end.
See the pictures.
I'll look at the logs and if it's neceserry help is appreciated....
Thank you - I'm sorry, that it was so an "big" work - but I know, some (many) things are amiss, and the machine is "a little weak on the chest" but is runs as long as it is not turned off
I'll check if imscp is now installable and if other problems occur, I'll come back.
Thank you and a good evening....
I found a file called Roundcube.pm in the dir /usr/local/src/1.2.x/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Package/Webmail/Roundcube
Your postet command in the git-directory /usr/local/src/1.2.x/imscp/ gives folowing:
root@webse001:/usr/local/src/1.2.x/imscp# ls -la engine/PerlLib/Package
insgesamt 92
drwxr-sr-x 8 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 .
drwxr-sr-x 7 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 ..
drwxr-sr-x 4 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 AntiRootkits
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 10149 Mai 19 06:53 AntiRootkits.pm
drwxr-sr-x 4 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 FileManager
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 6308 Mai 19 06:53 FileManager.pm
drwxr-sr-x 2 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 FrontEnd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 11051 Mai 19 06:53 FrontEnd.pm
drwxr-sr-x 3 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 PhpMyAdmin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 3819 Mai 19 06:53 PhpMyAdmin.pm
drwxr-sr-x 4 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 Webmail
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 7168 Mai 19 06:53 Webmail.pm
drwxr-sr-x 3 root staff 4096 Mai 19 06:53 Webstats
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 12792 Mai 19 06:53 Webstats.pm
Can this help?
Thanks for the hint. I've checked out the 1.2.x branch completely new, and tried to install, but the failure is the same.
Slowly it becomes critical, because some mailaccounts are not reachable reasonable that problem.
Any other Idea - or how could be the local git repository in the right manner got up-to-date?
Or where could be some links or references in the system to that Package::Roundcube?
Thanks for any help
I've tried to migrate imscp to a newer version under Jessie, because I've upgraded my Server from wheezy to jessie.
But after reading ans searching in the forum I could not get any solution to avoid the failure as shown in the picture in the attachement.
I've not found informations about a roundcube module or what else could be wrong.
Any help is appreciated - thanks in advance.
It seems to be a joke, but after a reboot of the vHost all things seem to be good.
Apology for waves I've switched, but sometimes Linux seems infected by the "windows-virus" and makes after a restart things as one would expect ....
I can't understand it, because I did restart(s) of nginx-service but this is no more of interest when all runs as expected.
One more thanks for the good work and I risk to use the stable branch of the git-repository for the future because once more the trust in the developers work has been the right way.
Greetings from the Ore Mountains in Germany
Ruben aka hempelr
High nuxwin,
thanks - I'm tomorrow at work and if nothing occurs then should we make a contact that you can look at the server - it's the webserver of my work where I'm employed and the situation is not so easy if it would give greater problems....
I could be angry about myself that I did'nt test it on one of my private (test)servers - but I think it is to solve....
Greetings and a good night
o.k you had me given a little remider - I'd forgot that stable is obselete and master is the right....
Is it possible without lost of data to downgrade to master? - if so, then I will this try.
Why nginx doesn'n know do I not know, I've never done before somthing with this webserver.
The hostfile is o.k, the hostname is ok, it's a mystery for me, because the mariadb does right run with localhost...
And another info:
I've changed the port in the 00_master of nginx in 8888; now it redirects to 4443 and then nginx gives an error message or better http-Error 502 Bad gateway.
What this shold be completely eludes my knowledge - why do nginx need a gateway and where can this be set?
Remember - its a vServer (i would think its a virtual container) with a interface venet0 with the IP and vemet0:0 witn the public IP given by the Server-Hoster.
Could it be, that nginx can not handle virtual environments without special configuration?
it cannot be restartet, but wit start it bleeds about the ip-adress of the server ist would be already in use , whereby he indeed is right, because it is occupied by apache.
Since when is nginx used by i-mscp and apache at the same time? I think that was previously not so, right?