Maybe helpfull - my stats for imscp_spamassassin database:
bayes_seen 18,133 rows
bayes_token 2,022,237 rows
bayes_vars 848 rows
Maybe helpfull - my stats for imscp_spamassassin database:
bayes_seen 18,133 rows
bayes_token 2,022,237 rows
bayes_vars 848 rows
After hitting the Upload-Button (for plugin upload) the control panel isnt reachable anymore (loading endless).
The mysql-query mentioned above takes more than 15min (maybe even more? I quit the execution)
i am trying to update the Spamassasin-Plugin from Version 1.1.1 to 2.0.1. After uploading the plugin through interface, the progress is stacked. I did some research - it is caused by a MySQL-query (see attached file).
Maybe the same issue:…Spamassassin-update-error
OS: Debian Jessie 8.9
i-MSCP: 1.5.1
Thank you very much! Worked well. I removed the facebook connection
Perfect, thank you!
i could not find any information on how to move with Lets Encrypt installed to a new server. What have to be to done to secure that the plugin will work as expected (e.g. renewal of existing certs)? Copy /etc/letsencrypt/?
The best we can do is something like the following (this is planned for i-MSCP version 1.4.0 with next LetsEncrypt plugin version)
Is this still planned? I am really looking forward to this feature
Here is the mail source which caused an error from testing.
To clarify: I just used a php-script to reproduce the error. The original error occurred (multiple times now) with a normal email which a customer received.
Originally it should be a ö (ö) after some (wrong) conversion... I just copied the character from a mail, that caused the error.
I attached the php-file as zip. Hopefully that works.